Don't Have Jekyll-Paginate or One of Its Dependencies Installed

don't have jekyll-paginate or one of its dependencies installed

A similar problem has happened to me! I found you have two versions of jekyll,jekyll (3.1.1, 3.0.3),which results in this phenomenon。
So uninstall one :
First run gem uninstall jekyll ,

 gem uninstall jekyll
Select gem to uninstall:
1. jekyll-3.0.3
2. jekyll-3.1.2
3. All versions
> 2
Successfully uninstalled jekyll-3.1.2

then run Jekyll serve.

Wish to help you!

jekyll serve shows a dependency erroe

To install the missing dependency:
Run gem install jekyll-sitemap and then try to run the Jekyll server again.

Another option If you have a file named Gemfile, make sure it has a gem jekyll-sitemap at the base folder run bundle install and then bundle exec jekyll serve.

Also check this related question.

Jekyll serve didn't work: It looks like you don't have pygments or one of its dependencies installed

I had the same issue but fixed it installing pygments gem.

gem install pygments.rb

And adding it to my Gemfile.

gem 'pygments.rb'

Dependency Error jekyll-figure

The issue lies in the structure of the plugin gem.
Simply change your _config.yml to load jekyll/figure instead..

- jekyll-paginate
- jekyll-sitemap
- jekyll/figure

Jekyll cannot load such file -- jekyll-watch

I have this problem and solved below command line

gem install GEM_NAME_HERE

if you run in after OSX el Capitan use blow command line

sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin GEM_NAME_HERE

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