Heroku: No Rakefile Found (But Works Locally)

Heroku: No Rakefile found (but works locally)

You have to push to the master branch. From looking at the comments above it looks like you are not doing this.

Therefore, assuming you're developing your application in the master branch, you can deploy with a simple:

git push heroku master

If you're not developing on master deploy with:

git push heroku your_branch_name:master

replacing your_branch_name with the name of the branch you're using.

heroku run rake db:migrate ... rake aborted! No Rakefile found

Whenever you are struggling with Heroku you should check your logs:

heroku logs

Scan through for any errors that you can google and/or get hints to what is going wrong.

If you are using git you can quickly search for errors with this:

git grep "whatever you want to search for"

You will then know where to find the file so you might try to verify that the rakefile actually exists with:

git grep rakefile

Sometimes it is easier to just start fresh and reset your database and reload your current schema with:

rake db:reset db:migrate all

This will destroy your db and then create it and then migrate your current schema:

rake db:drop db:create db:migrate 

If you want to reset the heroku db

To drop the database, if you are using SHARED_DATABASE_URL:

heroku pg:reset DATABASE

To recreate the database with nothing in it:

heroku run rake db:migrate

To populate the database with your seed data:

heroku run rake db:seed

Failed to build and deploy node.js project with Travis-ci - No Rakefile found

Your .travis.yml file does not validate; you can validate it at http://lint.travis-ci.org/.

Found an issue with the node_js key:

Detected unsupported Node.js versions. For an up-to-date list of supported Node.js versions, see Travis CI documentation at http://bit.ly/travis-ci-environment

Try using 0.8.x.

heroku rake db:migrate fails


Ultimately, the solution to this problem was found in 2 stages:

1) I discovered that my rvm gemset list was blank. Not sure when or how this happened, because it was set before. It may be related to me messing around with RubyMine settings, which allow you to tweak the Ruby SDK and Gems manually. I did an rvm gemset to set the correct set, and then rvm gemset install and rvm gemset update to get all the proper gems loaded into the environment. I'll be honest, I don't fully understand what's going on here and how it inter-relates with the manual gem install commands, so it's very possible I mucked the whole thing up through my meager understanding of RVM.

At this point, heroku rake db:migrate still failed with the same error, however:

2) My Heroku credentials had somehow become disconnected. I'm guessing Git & Rake were failing due to that. Again, I don't fully understand the ramifications here, but ultimately, the solution was right in front of my face on the Heroku Setup page. Once I retyped heroku create, my existing credentials were set properly again, and rake stopped failing.


I was half tempted to just delete or forget about this post (since I self-fixed), but I'm guessing I'm not the only Rails noob that will be frustrated by errors like these. I'm guessing they (the errors) were caused by me fumbling around the system (especially RubyMine) trying to figure out how everything was interconnected. Since the answers to problems such as these are probably not self evident to new Ruby/Rails programmers, I'll leave this up.

heroku push error: Could not detect rake tasks

Sometimes Heroku throws an issue on deployment about assets. You can precompile assets and push it to Heroku.

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile


In case of it doesn't work, make sure to add
RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES env. to yr server.

Make it enabled or true nor anything :)

Because in Rails <5.1 production.rb has

config.public_file_server.enabled = ENV['RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES'].present?

Heroku: App -> Settings -> "Reveal Config Vars"

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