Unformat Money When Parsing in PHP

Unformat money when parsing in PHP

You can use

  • NumberFormatter::parseCurrency - Parse a currency number

Example from Manual:

$formatter = new NumberFormatter('de_DE', NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
var_dump($formatter->parseCurrency("75,25 €", $curr));

gives: float(75.25)

Note that the intl extension is not enabled by default. Please refer to the Installation Instructions.

What a quick way to clean up a monetary string

$money = array(
'USD 50.45',
'USD$ 50.45'

// remove everything except a digit "0-9", a comma ",", and a dot "."
$money = preg_replace('/[^\d,\.]/', '', $money);

// replace the comma with a dot, in the number format ",12" or ",43"
$money = preg_replace('/,(\d{2})$/', '.$1', $money);



[0] => 50.45
[1] => 50.45
[2] => 50.45
[3] => 50.45

Unformat money when parsing in PHP

You can use

  • NumberFormatter::parseCurrency - Parse a currency number

Example from Manual:

$formatter = new NumberFormatter('de_DE', NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
var_dump($formatter->parseCurrency("75,25 €", $curr));

gives: float(75.25)

Note that the intl extension is not enabled by default. Please refer to the Installation Instructions.

Is there any solution to convert string to money amount?

I would use a regular expression, something like:


which will capture both the currency and value. PHP:

if (preg_match('/(\w*\$)\s*([0-9,.]+)\s+(thousand|million|billion|bn)?/i', $input, $matches)) {
$currency = $matches[1];
$value = str_replace(',', $matches[2]);
$multiplier = null;
if (isset($matches[3])) {
$multiplier = $matches[3];

Explaining the regex a bit:

(\w*\$) captures the currency / symbol

\s* allows for any whitespace between the currency and value

([0-9,.]+) captures the value

(thousand|million|billion|bn)? captures million/billion, etc. and the ? makes it optional.

Adding money strings together and getting a total

you need to remove tha '£' from each item and then convert it to a integer then you create a variable named sum and in a loop you add each element to the sum , there you are the algorithm :

 int sum = 0;
for_each (item i in basket)
string tmp = i.get_price() ; // get_price returns "£x" string
sum += to_integer(tmp.sub_str(1,tmp.length()-1));
/* copy from the pos 1 to the end ignoring the '£'*/

then the sum variable contains what you want :D

how to reformat a number with commas

You can use the number_format() function:

$str = number_format($number);

To use "." instead of ",":

$str = number_format($number, 0, ',', '.');

Decimal money format

You can use number_format like:

$n = 2.1;
echo number_format($n, 2, ','); // 2,10

If you have commas as decimal separators in your input you can convert values to float with:

$number = floatval(str_replace(',', '.', str_replace('.', '', $string_number)));

str_replace('.', '', $string_number) is used to remove thousand separators.
str_replace(',', '.', ... ) is used to replace commas with dots.

PHP replace characters , in a string number to .

The string "3,2563" is not a number, thus - it cannot be used as such.
It can easily be converted to a float number, using PHP function str_replace and type casting.

$number = "3,2563";
$number = (float)str_replace(",", ".", $number); // returns (float) 3.2563
// Do whatever you want to do. Now $number is a float.

Using str_replace, the , is replaced with a .

Note that the decimals separator can vary, depending on your PHP configuration.

Alternative to money_format() function

If you have the Intl extension, you can use

  • NumberFormatter::formatCurrency — Format a currency value according to the formatter rules.

Example from Manual

$fmt = new NumberFormatter( 'de_DE', NumberFormatter::CURRENCY );
echo $fmt->formatCurrency(1234567.891234567890000, "EUR")."\n";
echo $fmt->formatCurrency(1234567.891234567890000, "RUR")."\n";
$fmt = new NumberFormatter( 'ru_RU', NumberFormatter::CURRENCY );
echo $fmt->formatCurrency(1234567.891234567890000, "EUR")."\n";
echo $fmt->formatCurrency(1234567.891234567890000, "RUR")."\n";


1.234.567,89 €
1.234.567,89 RUR
1 234 567,89€
1 234 567,89р.

Also see my answer on how to parse that formatted money string back into a float:

  • PHP: unformat money

Parse a number but keep negative's

In case you have the ICU extension (which is bundled in PHP 5.3) available, try this:

$formatter = new NumberFormatter('en_US', NumberFormatter::DECIMAL);
echo $formatter->parse('-1,234.56');

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