Blocking Comment Spam Without Using Captcha

If i use captcha will i be able to stop the spam completely in my blog?

The captchas seem to be fooled by adept people. The Akismet is better option in my view. Having said that you should still use captch along with Akismet :)

Filter Comment Spam? PHP

When writing your own method, you'll have to employ a combination of heuristics.

For example, it's very common for spam comments to have 2 or more URL links.

I'd begin writing your filter like so, using a dictionary of trigger words and have it loop through and use those to determine probability:

function spamProbability($text){
$probability = 0;
$text = strtolower($text); // lowercase it to speed up the loop
$myDict = array("http","penis","pills","sale","cheapest");
foreach($myDict as $word){
$count = substr_count($text, $word);
$probability += .2 * $count;
return $probability;

Note that this method will result in many false positives, depending on your word set; you could have your site "flag" for moderation (but goes live immediately) those with probability > .3 and < .6, have it require those >.6 and <.9 enter a queue for moderation (where they don't appear until approved), and then anything over >1 is simply rejected.

Obviously these are all values you'll have to tweak the thresholds but this should start you off with a pretty basic system. You can add to it several other qualifiers for increasing / decreasing probability of spam, such as checking the ratio of bad words to words, changing weights of words, etc.

Preventing Spam

One trick I like to use is to add a hidden input field to my forms that a real user would never see or change, but that a bot would blindly fill out.

Something like

<input name="spam_stopper" value="DO NOT CHANGE THIS" style="display:none;"/>

and then, in your form handling code, make sure the value of spam_stopper is "DO NOT CHANGE THIS".

A smart bot may ignore display:none, but that's not too likely - many do ignore <input type="hidden"> though, so I wouldn't use that...

How to protect a contact form without captcha?

So the options:

  1. Maximize query/IP
  2. Add security question
  3. Captcha (even if you don't like it)
  4. Sending e-mail to validate it
  5. Submitting data via JavaScript

Details on these and my opinion on them.

  1. It works well to prevent sending many messages, but a few copies of them will still get in. If you think that's affordable, this might work. Note: a spammer can use proxies or dinamic IP, but that might be slow. Perhaps consider not blocking the user but adding a captcha if they send too many e-mails.
  2. What is this exactly? These are questions like "10+1" or "ten plus 1" or "What day is it?". They might work well - if your website will be in only very few languages. Captchas are still better but this works well in case.
  3. You don't like it, but I still say it's the best. Adding one reCAPTCHA isn't that hard but it will prevent 90% of the spammers - or more. But there are 2 problems with this: 1. sometimes human can't read it as well, 2. spammers could use people to solve it for a minimal (like $0.001/captcha) amount and sometimes they do. But that stands for case 2 as well.
  4. Could be good, but if spammers note this, they can generate random email addresses and validate it via SMTP. But they usually go to the easiest target and leave.
  5. Good, spammers can't make bots act like a click, but they can make codes which makes click non-required. But the easiest target rule stays.

In my opinion, the best is solution 3, then solution 2, then solution 1, then solution 4 and 5.

Prevent php web contact form spam

A simple trick is to create a honeypot field:


<!-- within your existing form add this field -->
<input type="text" id="website" name="website"/>


/*in your css hide the field so real users cant fill it in*/
form #website{ display:none; }


//in your php ignore any submissions that inlcude this field
if(!empty($_POST['website'])) die();

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