Get Everything Between ≪Tag≫ and ≪/Tag≫ With PHP

How to extract text between HTML tags in PHP

You should use the The DOMDocument class


$html= "<p>hi</p>
<h1>H1 title</h1>
<h2>H2 title</h2>
<h3>H2 title</h3>";
// a new dom object
$dom = new domDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
// load the html into the object ***/
//discard white space
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$hTwo= $dom->getElementsByTagName('h2'); // here u use your desired tag
echo $hTwo->item(0)->nodeValue;
//will return "H2 title";

Refer DOM Parsing too


// SimpleHtmlDom example
// Create DOM from URL or file
$html = file_get_html('http://localhost/blah.php');

// Find all paragraphs
foreach($html->find('p') as $element)
echo $element->innerText() . '<br>';

Get text between HTML tags

Using regular expressions is generally a good idea for your problem.

When you look at you see that $matches will be an array, since there may be more than one match. Try


to get an idea of how the result looks, and then pick the right index.


If there is a match, then you can get the text extracted between the parenthesis-group with


If you had more than one parenthesis-group they would be numbered 2, 3 etc. You should also consider the case when there is no match, in which case the array will have the size of 0.

PHP: Regex replace everything between to strings/HTML tags

The reason you're getting the error is because you've not escaped an opening [ character in your regular expression. Please see the [ I have marked below:

preg_replace('/\<p\>\[quote\]\<\/p\>[\s\S]+?\<p\>[\/quote\]\<\/p\>/', '', $string);

This has resulted in starting a character class that has not been closed. You should simply escape this opening brace like this:

preg_replace('/\<p\>\[quote\]\<\/p\>[\s\S]+?\<p\>\[\/quote\]\<\/p\>/', '', $string);

Php get string between tags

If you must use a regular expression, the following will do the trick.

$str = 'foo {Vimeo}123456789{/Vimeo} bar';
preg_match('~{Vimeo}([^{]*){/Vimeo}~i', $str, $match);
var_dump($match[1]); // string(9) "123456789"

This may be more than what you want to go through, but here is a way to avoid regex.

$str = 'foo {Vimeo}123456789{/Vimeo} bar';
$m = substr($str, strpos($str, '{Vimeo}')+7);
$m = substr($m, 0, strpos($m, '{/Vimeo}'));
var_dump($m); // string(9) "123456789"

Regex select all text between tags

You can use "<pre>(.*?)</pre>", (replacing pre with whatever text you want) and extract the first group (for more specific instructions specify a language) but this assumes the simplistic notion that you have very simple and valid HTML.

As other commenters have suggested, if you're doing something complex, use a HTML parser.

Preg match text in php between html tags

preg_match("'<p class=\"review\">(.*?)</p>'si", $source, $match);
if($match) echo "result=".$match[1];

Regex that extracts text between tags, but not the tags

You can use this following Regex:


or, >[^<]*<

Then eliminate unwanted characters like '<' & '>'

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