Preventing Session Hijacking

Preventing session hijacking

Unfortunately, there is no effective way to unmistakably identify a request that originates from an attacker in opposite to a genuine request. Because most properties that counter measures check like the IP address or user agent characteristics are either not reliable (IP address might change among multiple requests) or can be forged easily (e. g. User-Agent request header) and thus can yield unwanted false positives (i. e. genuine user switched IP address) or false negatives (i. e. attacker was able to successfully forge request with same User-Agent).

That’s why the best method to prevent session hijacking is to make sure an attacker cannot find out another user’s session ID. This means you should design your application and its session management that (1) an attacker cannot guess a valid session ID by using enough entropy, and (2) that there is no other way for an attacker to obtain a valid session ID by known attacks/vulerabilities like sniffing the network communication, Cross-Site Scripting, leakage through Referer, etc.

That said, you should:

  • use enough random input for generating the session ID (see session.entropy_file, session.entropy_length, and session.hash_function)
  • use HTTPS to protect the session ID during transmission
  • store the session ID in a cookie and not in the URL to avoid leakage though Referer (see session.use_only_cookies)
  • set the cookie with the HttpOnly and Secure attributes to forbid access via JavaScript (in case of XSS vulnerabilities) and to forbid transmission via insecure channel (see session.cookie_httponly and session.cookie_secure)

Besides that, you should also regenerate the session ID while invalidating the old one (see session_regenerate_id function) after certain session state changes (e. g. confirmation of authenticity after login or change of authorization/privileges) and you can additionally do this periodically to reduce the time span for a successful session hijacking attack.

What is the best way to prevent session hijacking?

Encrypting the session value will have zero effect. The session cookie is already an arbitrary value, encrypting it will just generate another arbitrary value that can be sniffed.

The only real solution is HTTPS. If you don't want to do SSL on your whole site (maybe you have performance concerns), you might be able to get away with only SSL protecting the sensitive areas. To do that, first make sure your login page is HTTPS. When a user logs in, set a secure cookie (meaning the browser will only transmit it over an SSL link) in addition to the regular session cookie. Then, when a user visits one of your "sensitive" areas, redirect them to HTTPS, and check for the presence of that secure cookie. A real user will have it, a session hijacker will not.

EDIT: This answer was originally written in 2008. It's 2016 now, and there's no reason not to have SSL across your entire site. No more plaintext HTTP!

Prevent session hijacking, XSS and network eavesdropping in PHP?

Session hijacking - it is when somebody knows your session identification number, provides it to the severs and, for example, logins with your priveleges.

XSS - cross site scripting, it is connected with badly filtered forms, which allow bad guys to implement their javascript code and still, for example, you cookie files.
They are 2 different forms of attack.

About preventing session hijacking some tips:
1) Set php.ini directives:

session.use_only_cookies = 1 -> for using only cookie based session ids
session.use_trans_sid = 0 -> disable showing PHPSESSID in browser url

2) About sessions

session_start();// -> starts your session. 
//Your browser will accept http header with session id and store it.
//You will be identified by this session id, usually PHPSESSID

It is looking like that:

GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla Compatible (MSIE)
Accept: text/xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, */*
Cookie: PHPSESSID=1234

When session started you can provide any data to php global array $_SESSION, like

$_SESSION['var'] = 'abc';

If someone knows your PHPSESSID, he can send the same http header to the server and start using it, like he is you.

So, the best way to avoid it:

a) use session_regenerate_id() everytime you provide any important data. It will delete old session number and generate a new one.

b) save in $_SESSION you fingers: ip adress and/or browser-agent. If they differs, than - it is not you. For example:

if (isset($_SESSION['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))
//some code

c) use SSL for providing sensitive data.

Hope, you'll find it usefull.

Proper session hijacking prevention in PHP

Your configuration is awesome. You definitely read up on how to lock down php sessions. However this line of code negates a lot of the protection provided by your php configuration:

This is a particularly awful method of generating a session id. Based on your configurations you are generating the session id from /dev/urandom which is a awesome entropy pool. This is going to be a lot more random than uniqid() which is already mostly a timestamp, adding another timestamp to this mix doesn't help at all. Remove this line of code, asap.

Checking the IP address is problematic, ip addresses change for legitimate reasons, such as if the user is behind a load balancer or TOR. The user agent check is pointless, it is like having a GET variable like ?is_hacker=False, if the attacker has the session id they probably have the user agent, and if they don't this value is really easy to brute force.

how do https prevent session hijacking

Session hijacking can also be performed by someone sniffing your network traffic. For example, imagine that you're connected to Stackoverflow via HTTP, and there's someone reading every request you send to the server. Every time you access to a different page, you'll send your authentication cookies, along with your request to Stackoverflow, so it'll know that you're logged in, and it'll not ask you to log in again.

The problem is that since your communication is being performed as plaintext, that attacker can read your requests, he'll be able to grab your authentication cookies, and he'll be able to impersonate you.

Now, if you're using HTTPS, you're communicating over an encrypted channel. Even if an attacker is sniffing all your requests, he'll not be able to get any meaningful information, because he'll only see encrypted text. That's the reason why HTTPS is good to prevent session hijacking.
Of course, there are different ways to hijack a session, and a man in the middle is just one of them, so maybe you should take a look at this:

Also, just as a side-note, "just using HTTPS" is not a panacea, it needs to be properly configured and implemented, so if you're the one who'll be performing some server-side configurations, I highly recommend you to read more about the protocol and attacks on the protocol, to avoid some common mistakes (like enabling old versions of SSL, or using broken algorithms, like RC4).

How to prevent tomcat session hijacking?

If it's a recent version of Tomcat, you may not have a problem. However, this depends on your checking the SSL ID associated with the session. This is available using code such as

String sslId = (String) req.getAttribute("javax.servlet.request.ssl_session");

(Note that the attribute key may change in the future to javax.servlet.request.ssl_session_id - as part of the Servlet 3.0 spec).

I set up a servlet with the following doGet method:

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
String sid = session.getId();
String sslId = (String) request.getAttribute(
String uri = request.getRequestURI();
OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(out);
HashMap<String, Object> secrets;
Object secret = null;
Object notSecret;
Date d = new Date();

notSecret = session.getAttribute("unprotected");
if (notSecret == null) {
notSecret = "unprotected: " + d.getTime();
session.setAttribute("unprotected", notSecret);
secrets = (HashMap<String, Object>) session.getAttribute("protected");
if (secrets == null) {
secrets = new HashMap<String, Object>();
session.setAttribute("protected", secrets);
if (sslId != null) {
if (secrets.containsKey(sslId))
secret = secrets.get(sslId);
else {
secret = "protected: " + d.getTime();
secrets.put(sslId, secret);
pw.println(MessageFormat.format("URI: {0}", new Object[] { uri }));
pw.println(MessageFormat.format("SID: {0}", new Object[] { sid }));
pw.println(MessageFormat.format("SSLID: {0}", new Object[] { sslId }));
pw.println(MessageFormat.format("Info: {0}", new Object[] { notSecret }));
pw.println(MessageFormat.format("Secret: {0}", new Object[] { secret }));
pw.println(MessageFormat.format("Date: {0}", new Object[] { d }));

I then invoked a suitable unprotected URL using Firefox and the Live HTTP Headers extension, to get the session cookie. This was the response sent when I navigated to


(my web.xml, like yours, only protects /user/* and /personal/*):

URI: /EchoWeb/unprotected
SID: 9ACCD06B69CA365EFD8C10816ADD8D71
SSLID: null
Info: unprotected: 1254034761932
Secret: null
Date: 27/09/09 07:59

Next, I tried to access a protected URL


and, as expected, I got redirected to


and the response was

URI: /EchoWeb/personal/protected
SID: 9ACCD06B69CA365EFD8C10816ADD8D71
SSLID: 4abf0d67549489648e7a3cd9292b671ddb9dd844b9dba682ab3f381b462d1ad1
Info: unprotected: 1254034761932
Secret: protected: 1254034791333
Date: 27/09/09 07:59

Notice that the cookie/session ID is the same, but we now have a new SSLID. Now, let's try to spoof the server using the session cookie.

I set up a Python script,

import urllib2

url = "https://localhost:8443/EchoWeb/personal/protected"
headers = {
'Host': 'localhost:8080',
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20090824 Firefox/3.5.3',
'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
'Accept-Language': 'en-gb,en;q=0.5',
'Accept-Charset': 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7',
'Cookie' : 'JSESSIONID=9ACCD06B69CA365EFD8C10816ADD8D71'
req = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)

Now, you don't need to know Python, particularly - I'm just trying to send an HTTP request to a (different) protected resource with the same session ID in the Cookie. Here's the response when I ran my spoof script twice:

URI: /EchoWeb/personal/protected
SID: 9ACCD06B69CA365EFD8C10816ADD8D71
SSLID: 4abf0eafb4ffa30b6579cf189c402a8411294201e2df94b33a48ae7484f22854
Info: unprotected: 1254034761932
Secret: protected: 1254035119303
Date: 27/09/09 08:05

URI: /EchoWeb/personal/protected
SID: 9ACCD06B69CA365EFD8C10816ADD8D71
SSLID: 4abf0eb184cb380ce69cce28beb01665724c016903650539d095c671d98f1de3
Info: unprotected: 1254034761932
Secret: protected: 1254035122004
Date: 27/09/09 08:05

Notice in the above responses that the session data (a value with a timestamp of 1254034761932) which was set in the first, unprotected request, has been sent throughout, because Tomcat is using the same session because the session ID is the same. This is of course not secure. However, note that the SSL IDs were different each time and if you use those to key into your session data (e.g. as shown), you should be safe. If I refresh my Firefox tab, here's the response:

URI: /EchoWeb/personal/protected
SID: 9ACCD06B69CA365EFD8C10816ADD8D71
SSLID: 4abf0d67549489648e7a3cd9292b671ddb9dd844b9dba682ab3f381b462d1ad1
Info: unprotected: 1254034761932
Secret: protected: 1254034791333
Date: 27/09/09 08:05

Notice that the SSLID is the same as for the earlier Firefox request. So, the server can tell the sessions apart using the SSL ID value. Notice particularly that the "protected data" is the same for each request made from the Firefox session, but different for each of the spoofed sessions and also different from the Firefox session.

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