Count How Many Files in Directory PHP

Count how many files in directory PHP

You can simply do the following :

$fi = new FilesystemIterator(__DIR__, FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
printf("There were %d Files", iterator_count($fi));

PHP Count how many files in directory

You have forgotten to escape your first backslash. Use this:

$directory = 'api\\config\\';

One thing that will help for debugging in the future, is to try and output (echo) your $directory, to make sure the directory value is being passed to your functions correctly.

Count number of files in folder in php

Glob returns an array, on error it returns false.

Try this:

$directory = '/var/www/ajaxform/';
$files = glob($directory . '*.jpg');

if ( $files !== false )
$filecount = count( $files );
echo $filecount;
echo 0;

How to count number of files in a directory using PHP?


$dir = opendir('dir/');
$i = 0;
while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))){
if (!in_array($file, array('.', '..') and !is_dir($file)) $i++;

echo "There were $i files";


function crawl($dir){

$dir = opendir($dir);
$i = 0;
while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir)){
if (is_dir($file) and !in_array($file, array('.', '..'))){

$i += crawl($file);

return $i;
$i = crawl('dir/');
echo "There were $i files";

How to count files inside a folder using PHP?

I'm doing it with DirectoryIterator

$files_in_directory = new DirectoryIterator($path_to_folder);
$c = 0;

foreach($files_in_directory as $file)
// We want only files
if($file->isDot()) continue;
if($file->isDir()) continue;


For use as function :

function folderlist($directories = array(), $extensions = array())
return false;

$result = array();
$total_count = 0;
foreach($directories as $directory)
$files_in_directory = new DirectoryIterator($directory);
$c = 0;

foreach($files_in_directory as $file)
// We want only files
if($file->isDot()) continue;
if($file->isDir()) continue;

// This is for php < 5.3.6
$file_extension = pathinfo($file->getFilename(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

// If you have php >= 5.3.6 you can use following instead
// $file_extension = $fileinfo->getExtension()

if(in_array($file_extension, $extensions)){
$result['directories'][$directory]['files'][$c]['name'] = $file->getFilename();
$result['directories'][$directory]['files'][$c]['path'] = $file->getPath();
$result['directories'][$directory]['count'] = $c;
$total_count += $c;

$result['total_count'] = $total_count;

return $result;


Displaying results based on GET superglobal:

if(isset($_GET['album']) && !empty($_GET['album']) && !isset($_GET['listfiles']))
// We are in directory view mode
$album = $_GET['album'];

// View all directories and their file count for specified album
$view_directory = folderlist(array($album), array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'log'));

// Loop the folders and display them with file count
foreach ($view_directory['directories'] as $folder_name => $folder_files){

$count = $folder_files['count'];
echo '<li>';
echo '<a href="files.php?album=' . $folder_name . '&listfiles=1" class="style1">';
echo '<strong>' . basename($folder_name) . '</strong>';
echo ' (' . $count . ' files found)';
echo '</a>';
echo '</li>';


echo "Total Files:". $get_dir_info['total_count'];

elseif(isset($_GET['album'], $_GET['listfiles']) && !empty($_GET['album']))
// We are in file view mode for folder
$album = $_GET['album'];

// View all files in directory
$view_files = folderlist(array($album), array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'log'));

echo 'Showing folder content of: <b>'.basename($album).'</b>';
foreach($view_files['directories'][$album]['files'] as $file)

$path = $file['path'];
$name = $file['name'];

echo '<li>';
echo '<a href="files.php?file=' . $name . '&path=' . $path . '" class="style1">';
echo '<strong>' . $name . '</strong>';
echo '</a>';
echo '</li>';

php count files from multiple folders and echo total

Yes you can:

glob('../{health,food,sport}/*.php', GLOB_BRACE);

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