Cartesian Product of N Arrays

Cartesian product of multiple arrays in JavaScript

Here is a functional solution to the problem (without any mutable variable!) using reduce and flatten, provided by underscore.js:

function cartesianProductOf() {    return _.reduce(arguments, function(a, b) {        return _.flatten(, function(x) {            return, function(y) {                return x.concat([y]);            });        }), true);    }, [ [] ]);}
// [[1,3,"a"],[1,3,"b"],[1,4,"a"],[1,4,"b"],[2,3,"a"],[2,3,"b"],[2,4,"a"],[2,4,"b"]]console.log(cartesianProductOf([1, 2], [3, 4], ['a']));
<script src=""></script>

How to implement cartesian product of n array with different lenghts in javascript?

The following works having n arrays:

function cartesianProduct(data) {

var current = [[]];
for (var p in data) {
var arr = data[p];
var newCurrent = [];
for (var c = 0; c < current.length; c++) {
var baseArray = current[c];
for (var a = 0; a < arr.length; a++) {
var clone = baseArray.slice();
current = newCurrent;

return current;

for the following data:

var data = {
size: ['s', 'm'],
color: ['blue', 'red'],
version: ['run', 'walk', 'jump']

will return all the combinations:

var variations = [

Cartesian product of 2 arrays

You don't need jquery for this:

var customerArray = [[10,'A'],[11,'B']];
var debtorArray = [[88,'W'],[99,'X']];

var customerDebtorMatrix = [];
for (var i = 0; i < customerArray.length; i++) {
for (var l = 0; l < debtorArray.length; l++) {

customerDebtorMatrix will be

[ [ 10, 'A', 88, 'W' ],
[ 10, 'A', 99, 'X' ],
[ 11, 'B', 88, 'W' ],
[ 11, 'B', 99, 'X' ] ]

Perfoming Cartesian product on arrays

One way to approach this problem is to continuously reduce the number of arrays one at a time by noting that

A0 × A1 × A2 = (A0 × A1) × A2

Consequently, you could write a function like this one, which computes the Cartesian product of two arrays:

int[] cartesianProduct(int[] one, int[] two) {
int[] result = new int[one.length * two.length];
int index = 0;

for (int v1: one) {
for (int v2: two) {
result[index] = v1 * v2;

return result;

Now, you can use this function to keep combining together pairs of arrays into one single array containing the overall Cartesian product. In pseudocode:

While there is more than one array left:
Remove two arrays.
Compute their Cartesian product.
Add that array back into the list.
Output the last array.

And, as actual Java:

Queue<int[]> worklist;
/* fill the worklist with your arrays; error if there are no arrays. */

while (worklist.size() > 1) {
int[] first = worklist.remove();
int[] second = worklist.remove();
worklist.add(cartesianProduct(first, second));

/* Obtain the result. */
int[] result = worklist.remove();

The problem with this approach is that it uses memory proportional to the total number of elements you produce. This can be a really huge number! If you just want to print all of the values out one at a time without storing them, there is a more efficient approach. The idea is that you can start listing off all possible combinations of indices in the different arrays, then just go multiply together the values at those positions. One way to do this is to maintain an "index array" saying what the next index to look at is. You can move from one index to the next by "incrementing" the array the same way you would increment a number. Here's some code for that:

int[] indexArray = new int[arrays.length];
mainLoop: while (true) {
/* Compute this entry. */
int result = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < arrays.length; i++) {
result *= arrays[i][indexArray[i]]

/* Increment the index array. */
int index = 0;
while (true) {
/* See if we can bump this array index to the next value. If so, great!
* We're done.
if (indexArray[index] < arrays[i].length) break;

/* Otherwise, overflow has occurred. If this is the very last array, we're
* done.
indexArray[index] = 0;
index ++;

if (index == indexArray.length) break mainLoop;

This uses only O(L) memory, where L is the number of arrays you have, but produces potentially exponentially many values.

Hope this helps!

Cartesian product on multiple array of objects in javascript

Instead of using an array to push to, you want to merge the objects:

function cartesianProductOf() {
return, function(a, b) {
var ret = [];
a.forEach(function(a_el) {
b.forEach(function(b_el) {
ret.push(Object.assign({}, a_el, b_el));
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
return ret;
}, [{}]);
// ^^

If you don't want to use Object.assign or it's polyfill, the equivalent would be

                 var r = {};
for (var p in a_el)
r[p] = a_el[p];
for (var p in b_el)
r[p] = b_el[p];

Cartesian Product of N arrays

this is called "cartesian product", php man page on arrays shows some implementations (in comments).

and here's yet another one:

function array_cartesian() {
$_ = func_get_args();
if(count($_) == 0)
return array(array());
$a = array_shift($_);
$c = call_user_func_array(__FUNCTION__, $_);
$r = array();
foreach($a as $v)
foreach($c as $p)
$r[] = array_merge(array($v), $p);
return $r;

$cross = array_cartesian(
array('apples', 'pears', 'oranges'),
array('steve', 'bob')


Generation cartesian product objects from array values

First of all, that's not a problem with permutations, it's exactly Cartesian product.

In set theory (and, usually, in other parts of mathematics), a Cartesian product is a mathematical operation that returns a set from multiple sets.

Sample Image

You can achieve that using ES6 features like map and reduce methods.

function cartesianProduct(...arrays) {  return [...arrays].reduce((a, b) => => => x.concat(y)))    .reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b), []), [[]]);}console.log(cartesianProduct([1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]));

Cartesian Product of multiple array

Thx for the help!
I add a valid answer with the implementation in java for the next guy, who has the same problem. I also do it generic so u can have any CartesianProduct on any Object, not just ints:

public class Product {

public static <T> List<T[]> getCartesianProduct(T[]... objects){
List<T[]> ret = null;
if (objects != null){
//saves length from first dimension. its the size of T[] of the returned list
int len = objects.length;
//saves all lengthes from second dimension
int[] lenghtes = new int[len];
// arrayIndex
int array = 0;
// saves the sum of returned T[]'s
int lenSum = 1;
for (T[] t: objects){
lenSum *= t.length;
lenghtes[array++] = t.length;
//initalize the List with the correct lenght to avoid internal array-copies
ret = new ArrayList<T[]>(lenSum);
//reusable class for instatiation of T[]
Class<T> clazz = (Class<T>) objects[0][0].getClass();
T[] tArray;
//values stores arrayIndexes to get correct values from objects
int[] values = new int[len];

for (int i = 0; i < lenSum; i++){
tArray = (T[])Array.newInstance(clazz, len);
for (int j = 0; j < len; j++){
tArray[j] = objects[j][values[j]];
//value counting:
//increment first value
for (int v = 0; v < len; v++){
//check if values[v] doesn't exceed array length
if (values[v] == lenghtes[v]){
//set it to null and increment the next one, if not the last
values[v] = 0;
if (v+1 < len){

return ret;

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