How to Reindex an Array

PHP reindex array?

Use array_values.

$myarray = array_values($myarray);

How do you reindex an array in PHP but with indexes starting from 1?

If you want to re-index starting to zero, simply do the following:

$iZero = array_values($arr);

If you need it to start at one, then use the following:

$iOne = array_combine(range(1, count($arr)), array_values($arr));

Here are the manual pages for the functions used:

  • array_values()
  • array_combine()
  • range()

How to reindex an array?

Use array_values:

$reindexed_array = array_values($old_array);

How to Remove Array Element and Then Re-Index Array?

unset($foo[0]); // remove item at index 0
$foo2 = array_values($foo); // 'reindex' array

Reindexing an array

If you don't mind using javascript 1.6: (note: this code uses the jQUery library)

var testArray = new Array();
var testString = testArray.filter(function (item) { return item != undefined }).join();


filter prototype:

if (!Array.prototype.filter)
Array.prototype.filter = function(fun /*, thisp */)
"use strict";

if (this === void 0 || this === null)
throw new TypeError();

var t = Object(this);
var len = t.length >>> 0;
if (typeof fun !== "function")
throw new TypeError();

var res = [];
var thisp = arguments[1];
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (i in t)
var val = t[i]; // in case fun mutates this
if (, val, i, t))

return res;

reindex an array using value from multidimensional array

Yes there is a function for that array_column, which lets you extract a specific element from a multi-dimensional array and/or index the result by a specific element. So do both:

$result = array_column($array, 'qAVG', 'mID');

If the sub-arrays have more elements and you want them as well, then just re-index:

$result = array_column($array, null, 'mID');

How to filter out blank values from an array in PHP & Reindex the array

Replace your code from this line => $var = explode(',', $sizes); & add this:

$var = array_filter(explode(',', $sizes));
$reindexed = array();

foreach ($var as $row)
if ($row !== null)
$reindexed[] = $row;


Let's See The Explaination of the code now

1.) This is 1st reference link from where i took the idea to filer but ass you prnt the array you will see that the array indexes are jumbled => Remove empty array elements

$var = array_filter(explode(',', $sizes));
$reindexed = array();

so we create a new variables reindexed as an array to store the reindexed array value

2.) To remove the jumbled array index and reindex the array i took refernce from this link => How to remove null values from an array?

$reindexed = array();

foreach ($var as $row)
if ($row !== null)
$reindexed[] = $row;


reindexing array inside object after unsetting few keys in php

Use array_values() to reindex an array.

$object->events = array_values($object->events);

Re-index numeric array keys

$your_new_array = array_values($your_old_array);

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