PHP Multiple Delimiters in Explode

Php multiple delimiters in explode

Try about using:

$output = preg_split('/ (@|vs) /', $input);

exploding string with multiple delimiter

Tokens all the way down...


$str = '1-a,2-b,3-c';
$token = '-,';

if($n = strtok($str, $token))
$array[$n] = strtok($token);
while($n = strtok($token))
$array[$n] = strtok($token);



array (
1 => 'a',
2 => 'b',
3 => 'c',

Or perhaps more terse without the first if...:

$array = [];
while($n = $array ? strtok($token) : strtok($str, $token))
$array[$n] = strtok($token);

explode() on multiple delimiters

$lol[$i] = preg_split("@(\s*and\s*)?[/\s,&]+@", $lol[$i]);

How can I explode a string by multiple delimiters and also keep the delimiters?

This should work for you:

Just use preg_split() and set the flags to keep the delimiters. E.g.


$string = "(2.8 , 3.1) → (↓↓2.4 , ↓3.0)";
$arr = preg_split("/(↑↑|↑|↓↓|↓)/", $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);



[0] => (2.8 , 3.1) → (
[1] => ↓↓
[2] => 2.4 ,
[3] => ↓
[4] => 3.0)

Can we do multiple explode statements on one line in PHP?

If you're looking to split the string with multiple delimiters, perhaps preg_split would be appropriate.

$parts = preg_split( '/(\s|&|,)/', 'This and&this and,this' );
print_r( $parts );

Which results in:

Array ( 
[0] => This
[1] => and
[2] => this
[3] => and
[4] => this

explode multiple delimiters in php

I would go for preg_split like below


$list = "{flower},{animals},{food},{people},{trees}";
$array = preg_split('/[},{]/', $list, 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

The output is

[0] => flower
[1] => animals
[2] => food
[3] => people
[4] => trees

How to split a string by multiple delimiters in PHP?


$pattern = '/[;,]/';

$string = "something here ; and there, oh,that's all!";

echo '<pre>', print_r( preg_split( $pattern, $string ), 1 ), '</pre>';

PHP explode string into array with space delimiter when string has multiple spaces?

You can solve your problem and simplify the code by using preg_split(). You can apply a regex including all delimiters in a character class with a quantifier and \s* to consume whitespaces around the delimiters.


$array = preg_split("/\s*[" . preg_quote(implode("", $delimiters), "/") . "]+\s*/", $str);
Consuming any whitespaces │ Consuming any whitespaces
around delimiter │ around delimiter
[] → Character class with quantifier
implode() → Converting array into a string
preg_quote() → Escaping special characters

Split string with multiple delimiters

I'd use regexp like this in your case:

preg_split('/,? ?and | ?[,;] ?/', $str)

You may also want to replace spaces by \s if the other space characters may appear (like TAB, for example) or even \s* instead of ? to cover the case of multiple spaces.

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