Utf-8 Bom Signature in PHP Files

UTF-8 BOM signature in PHP files

Indeed, the BOM is actual data sent to the browser. The browser will happily ignore it, but still you cannot send headers then.

I believe the problem really is your and your friend's editor settings. Without a BOM, your friend's editor may not automatically recognize the file as UTF-8. He can try to set up his editor such that the editor expects a file to be in UTF-8 (if you use a real IDE such as NetBeans, then this can even be made a project setting that you can transfer along with the code).

An alternative is to try some tricks: some editors try to determine the encoding using some heuristics based on the entered text. You could try to start each file with

<?php //Úτƒ-8 encoded

and maybe the heuristic will get it. There's probably better stuff to put there, and you can either google for what kind of encoding detection heuristics are common, or just try some out :-)

All in all, I recommend just fixing the editor settings.

Oh wait, I misread the last part: for spreading the code to anywhere, I guess you're safest just making all files only contain the lower 7-bit characters, i.e. plain ASCII, or to just accept that some people with ancient editors see your name written funny. There is no fail-safe way. The BOM is definitely bad because of the headers already sent thing. On the other side, as long as you only put UTF-8 characters in comments and so, the only impact of some editor misunderstanding the encoding is weird characters. I'd go for correctly spelling your name and adding a comment targeted at heuristics so that most editors will get it, but there will always be people who'll see bogus chars instead.

UTF-8 BOM added to downloaded file

You should check for a BOM in the script file too. Usually if your IDE saves UTF-8 files with BOM, it is before the opening <?php tag, so php treats as output.

Include Unicode Signature (BOM) in HTML files or not?

The BOM is entirely optional for UTF-8. The Unicode consortium points out that it can create problems while offering no real advantage; the W3C says that it can be a substitute for other forms of declaring the encodings and should work on all modern browsers.

The BOM is only there to clarify the endianness of the encoding. Since UTF-8 only has one kind of endianness it is superfluous. It's only useful for UTF-16 and other encodings. A UTF-8 encoded file is UTF-8 encoded regardless of the presence of the BOM.

HTML files do not "hide" any other information, they're plain text.

My recommendation would be:

  • encode as UTF-8 without BOM
  • add the HTTP Content-Type header to denote the encoding of the file
  • also add the <meta> tag into the HTML itself as a fallback, should the file be interpreted outside of an HTTP context (meaning where no HTTP header exists because the file is not read over HTTP)

This gives you the best compatibility with the least potential for issues. If your characters are still appearing funny, then your file is not actually UTF-8 encoded or the HTTP header is not being set correctly.

PHP source code in UTF-8 files; how to interpret properly?



Until PHP 5.4, the PHP interpreter didn't at all care about the charset of PHP files, as evidenced by the fact that the zend.script_encoding ini directive only appeared in that version. It always treated it as ASCII basically.

When PHP needs to identify, for example, a function name, that happens to contain characters beyond ASCII-7bit (well, any labeled entity with any label really, but you get my point...), it merely looks for a function in the symbol table with the same byte sequence - an umlaut (or whatever...) written in one way would be treated differently than an umlaut written in another way. Try it. For backwards compatibility, if zend.script_encoding is not set, this is still the default behavior. Also take note of the regex showing what is a valid identifier, which you can see is charset neutral (well... except latin letters, which are in the ASCII-7bit range), but shows you bytes instead.

This leads us also to the declare(encoding) construct. If you see THAT in a file, that's the definitive charset to honor for that particular file (ONLY). Use something else until you encounter one, and if you see more than one - honor the second one after its declare statement.

If there's none...

In a static context (i.e. when you don't know the effective ini settings), you'd need to fallback to something else (something that's user defined, ideally) when the charset is important, or otherwise just treat characters beyond ASCII-7bit as pure binary, and display them in some uniform code-point-like fashion.

In a dynamic context (e.g. if you could for example rename the file for a moment, create a temporary file at that place, with that name; have it echo the value of zend.script_encoding; restore back the normal file), you should use the zend.script_encoding value if available, and fallback to something else (just as in a static context) otherwise.

The same treatment applies to strings, HTML fragments and any other contents of a PHP file - it's just read as a binary string, except certain ASCII characters (i.e. bytes) that are important to the PHP lexer, such as the sequence "<?php" (notice that all are ASCII characters...); an apostrophe within a single quoted string; etc. - The interpreter itself doesn't care about a string's charset, and if you must display a string's contents on screen, you should use the above means to figure out the best way to do so.

Edge cases (requested in comments):


Is there a restriction on what encoding are allowed?

There doesn't seem to be any list of allowed encodings anywhere, or at least I can't find one. Given that this is the successor of the --enable-zend-multibyte compile setting, UTF encodings of all flavors are sure to be in that list. Even if other (ANSI) encodings don't have an effect on PHP itself, that shouldn't deter you from using that value as a hint.


How does "declare(encoding)" work if the source file is UTF-16 (null 8 bit bytes between 8 bit ascii chars for the declaration)?

zend.script_encoding is used until a declare(encoding) is encountered. If it's not set, ASCII is assumed. This shouldn't be a problem even in a UTF-16 file... right? (I don't use UTF-16) While this may be a problem for PHP files encoded as UTF-16, I think it's fair to say the vast majority of developers just don't encode their scripts in UTF-16. Their data, sure, if the application's case calls for it. But not the script itself. Most PHP files in the wild are encoded either with an ANSI encoding or UTF-8.


If the .ini or the file setting is UTF-8 or otherwise, then identifiers are presumably taken only from code points in range x41-xFF, but not from code points x100 up?

I haven't tried supplying invalid UTF-8 bytes to tell you the answer to that one, nor does the manual ever state anything on the question. I would assume that PHP execution will fail with a parse error on that. Or at least it should. As far as your tool is concerned, it should report the invalid UTF-8 sequence anyway, since even if PHP allows it, that's still a QA problem.


For UTF encodings, are characters in strings represented as their UTF code point (that makes no sense since PHP strings seem only have 8 bit characters)?

No. Characters in strings and non-PHP content are still treated as just a sequence of bytes, which you can confirm by looking at the output of strlen(), and seeing how it differs from mb_strlen(), which is the one that respects encoding (well... it respects the mbstring.internal_encoding setting to be exact, but still).


If not, what does it mean to set the encoding to UTF something?

AFAIK, it affects lookups in the symbol table. With UTF set, umlauts written in different ways, or in different UTF flavors that end up with the same UTF code points... they would all converge on the same symbol, as opposed to without declare(encoding), where byte-by-byte comparrison is done instead. And I say "AFAIK" here, because frankly, I've never used such experiments myself... I'm a "do gooddy 'everything-as-valid-UTF-8'-er".

How to remove multiple UTF-8 BOM sequences

you would use the following code to remove utf8 bom

//Remove UTF8 Bom

function remove_utf8_bom($text)
$bom = pack('H*','EFBBBF');
$text = preg_replace("/^$bom/", '', $text);
return $text;

Solving BOM with UTF-8 encoding

try this may work
header.php page will be

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<link href="css/ssHeadFoot.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<!-- the other code for this page -->

and the main page will be

<?php include 'header.php'; ?>

some times it's work with me when do this

and try use require_once for the page so when the header.php is missing the code stop and if you include it again no error appear or page require twice

What's the difference between UTF-8 and UTF-8 with BOM?

The UTF-8 BOM is a sequence of bytes at the start of a text stream (0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF) that allows the reader to more reliably guess a file as being encoded in UTF-8.

Normally, the BOM is used to signal the endianness of an encoding, but since endianness is irrelevant to UTF-8, the BOM is unnecessary.

According to the Unicode standard, the BOM for UTF-8 files is not recommended:

2.6 Encoding Schemes

... Use of a BOM is neither required nor recommended for UTF-8, but may be encountered in contexts where UTF-8 data is converted from other encoding forms that use a BOM or where the BOM is used as a UTF-8 signature. See the “Byte Order Mark” subsection in Section 16.8, Specials, for more information.

Web server response generates UTF-8 (BOM) JSON

The problem was indeed caused by some BOM characters which appeared in some files.

My config.Global.conf file was encoded in UTF8 (with BOM), plus it had this at the beginning <feff><feff> that I could see when opening it with VIM.

I fixed the issue by removing these extra BOM characters from my configuration file, plus converting the UTF8 (with BOM) files in UTF8 w/o BOM.

Check here to see how I found out which files were causing the issue: Find source of BOM in Zend Framework 2

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