How to Count Duplicate Value in an Array in JavaScript

Count duplicate value from array into array of object in javascript

First count the character number of occurrence in uniqueCount array. Then make the resulting array of object using map as below

var uniqueCount = ['a','a','b','c','d','a','a'];var duplicateCount = {};uniqueCount.forEach(e => duplicateCount[e] = duplicateCount[e] ? duplicateCount[e] + 1 : 1);var result = Object.keys(duplicateCount).map(e => {return {key:e, count:duplicateCount[e]}});console.log(result);

How to get count of duplicate objects in Array

You can easily achieve this using reduce and map. First, count all the occurrences of all objects and then add the property dynamically.

const arr = [
partNum: "ACDC1007",
brandName: "Electric",
supplierName: "Electric",
partNum: "ACDC1007",
brandName: "Electric",
supplierName: "Electric",
partNum: "ACDC1007",
brandName: "Electric",
supplierName: "Electric",
partNum: "ACDC1009",
brandName: "Electric",
supplierName: "Electric",

partNum: "ACDC1000",
brandName: "Electric",
supplierName: "Electric",

const countDict = arr.reduce((acc, curr) => {
const { partNum } = curr;
if (acc[partNum]) ++acc[partNum];
else acc[partNum] = 1;
return acc;
}, {});

const result = => {
obj["count"] = countDict[obj.partNum];
return obj;


Count duplicates in an array of objects and sum up values located in the objects

You could collect with an object and get the values from it.

users = [{ name: 'John', gender: 'Male', orders: 20 }, { name: 'Doe', gender: 'Male', orders: 8 }, { name: 'Ada', gender: 'Female', orders: 10 }, { name: 'David', gender: 'Male', orders: 30 }],
result = Object.values(users.reduce((r, { gender, orders }) => {
r[gender] ??= { gender, count: 0, totalOrders: 0 };
r[gender].totalOrders += orders;
return r;
}, {}));

.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

Count duplicate values in an array and return count with an additional value using Javascript

You could take categoryTitle directly without mapping the array before.

function categoriesCount (things) {    return things.reduce((hash, { categoryTitle }) => {        hash[categoryTitle] = (hash[categoryTitle] || 0) + 1;        return hash;   }, {});}
const things = [{ id: 1, title: 'Something', categoryId: 1, categoryTitle: 'Category 1' }, { id: 2, title: 'Another thing', categoryId: 1, categoryTitle: 'Category 1' }, { id: 3, title: 'Yet another thing', categoryId: 2, categoryTitle: 'Category 2' }, { id: 4, title: 'One more thing', categoryId: 4, categoryTitle: 'Category 3' }, { id: 5, title: 'Last thing', categoryId: 4, categoryTitle: 'Category 3' }]
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

Javascript - Counting duplicates in object array and storing the count as a new object

I would stick to reduce, use a Map and spread its values to get the final result:

const names = [{  _id: 1 }, { _id: 1}, { _id: 2}, { _id: 1}];

const result = [...names.reduce( (mp, o) => {
if (!mp.has(o._id)) mp.set(o._id, { ...o, count: 0 });
return mp;
}, new Map).values()];


javascript counting duplicates in array

I guess the main confusion comes from this line:

counts[ResultArray[p]] = (counts[ResultArray[p]] + 1) || 1;

The || operator returns what is on the left side if it is "truthy" (anything other than the "falsy" values false, 0, '', null, undefined, and NaN), otherwise it returns what is on the right hand side.

If ResultArray[p] is not inside of counts, then counts[ResultArray[p]] will be undefined. Since undefined + 1 is NaN, the left hand side of || is "falsy", so it will return the right hand side 1.

Otherwise, counts[ResultArray[p]] will be the amount of times we've already seen ResultArray[p], and we'll add 1 to it. In this case the left hand side will be "truthy" and it will return the new count.

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