Onchange Is Not Triggering in React Js

onChange is not triggering in react js

There is no issue with the react-dropdown library. Here is the code sandbox that I've set up and corrected OP's code. It works.

import React from "react";
import Dropdown from "react-dropdown";
import "react-dropdown/style.css";
const options = [
{ value: "one", label: "One" },
{ value: "two", label: "Two", className: "myOptionClassName" }
const defaultOption = options[0];
class WebDashboardPage extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
selectedValue: ""

quan = value => {
this.setState({ selectedValue: value });

render() {
return (
<Dropdown options={options} value={defaultOption} onChange={this.quan} />

export default WebDashboardPage;

onChange event is not being triggered in react js

I am assuming Form.Control is a custom control or a third-party control, hence you cannot convert it to a controlled input. You could try creating a ref and get the value from the ref in the onChange event handler. If the custom control is not a third party control, then you could add the onChange handler inside the Form.Control component and pass a function reference to the control.


Here is your solution : https://codesandbox.io/s/vigorous-mclean-4jusl?file=/src/App.js

In case you see an error in the sandbox, refresh the page. There seems to be some error with codesandbox.


Create a ref to access the input using useRef:

const controlref = useRef();

Pass the ref to the control:


Get the value in onChange using the ref:

  const handleChange = (e) => {

Select value doesnt change the first time I trigger onChange event when using setSate React

The problem is that when you provide onChange prop to select component it become a controlled component.

For more information: React Docs - Forms #controlled components

When you dealing with controlled components you must provide a value to it and when onChange triggerd it should update that value to work properly. Since you did not provide the full code, I imagine you have an array of select menus and options attached to it.

So in this case every select component should have own onChange method and own value to work properly. To achive this we should create another component for only Select Options. Like this;

function SelectComponent({ optionList, onSelected }) {
const [value, setValue] = useState();

const updateValue = ({ target }) => {
if (onSelected) onSelected(target.value);

return (
<label htmlFor={optionList.id}>{optionList.label}</label>
{optionList.options.map((option) => (
<option value={option.value} key={uuid()}>

This component accepts to props; optionList and onSelected

optionList is the list of options to render

onSelected is a method that we call when user select and option

On main component, we should change the select section with our select component with props optionList and onSelected

  return (
{selectMenus.map((select) => (
<div key={select.id} className="select-container">
<SelectComponent optionList={select} onSelected={updateValue} />

So overall code is like this:

import { useState } from "react";
import { v4 as uuid } from "uuid";

export default function App() {
const [url, setUrl] = useState();

const updateValue = (value) => {

const selectMenus = [
id: 1,
label: "Menu 1",
name: "menu1",
buttonLabel: "Menu 1",
options: [
text: "option 1",
value: "option1"
text: "option 2",
value: "option2"
text: "option 3",
value: "option3"
id: 2,
label: "Menu 2",
name: "menu2",
buttonLabel: "Menu 2",
options: [
text: "option 1",
value: "option1"
text: "option 2",
value: "option2"
text: "option 3",
value: "option3"
id: 3,
label: "Menu 3",
name: "menu3",
buttonLabel: "Menu 3",
options: [
text: "option 1",
value: "option1"
text: "option 2",
value: "option2"
text: "option 3",
value: "option3"

return (
<div className="App">
<h1>URL Value: {url}</h1>
{selectMenus.map((select) => (
<div key={select.id} className="select-container">
<SelectComponent optionList={select} onSelected={updateValue} />

function SelectComponent({ optionList, onSelected }) {
const [value, setValue] = useState();

const updateValue = ({ target }) => {
if (onSelected) onSelected(target.value);

return (
<label htmlFor={optionList.id}>{optionList.label}</label>
{optionList.options.map((option) => (
<option value={option.value} key={uuid()}>

Working example is overhere codesandbox

React onChange not triggering from Div

I was able to fix this by using adding a small function in the parent component and then calling it as a prop in an onInput function, while leaving the onChange function set to props.onChange. The function was taken from the article below.


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