Passing Data from Node Js to HTML Using Ejs

Passing data from Node js to HTML using EJS

changing it to <%= name %> should fix it.

If that doesn't you can try changing app.set('view engine', 'html') to app.set('view engine', 'ejs');, then deleting the following 2 lines.

app.set('view engine', 'ejs');

res.render('Main',{name:title}) ;

I have always written it this way, so I can't say for sure if you syntax is correct, or if ejs will even work without setting it like this.


Make sure the Main.html file is in a folder called views, and rename this file to Main.ejs.

next change res.render('Main.html',{name:title}); to res.render('main',{name:title});

How to pass data from express to ejs

you are missing a "="

<%= data %>

and you have to iterate through data as its not a single data and if you wanna print a single data then pass only one data

res.render('pages/tasks', {data: results.rows[0]});

Pass Data From Node/Express to Front-End Javascript

You can't respond to a single request with both an HTML document and a seperate JavaScript file.

So you need to either:

  • Store the data somewhere and, in a separate endpoint, serve up some generated JavaScript and have a mechanism which identifies which data to serve up when the request is made. (NB: This is stupidly complex. Don't do it.)
  • Generate the JavaScript inline in the HTML document inside a <script> element. (You'll need to properly escape the data as JS to make sure you aren't subject to XSS).
  • Output the data into the HTML document (e.g. with data-* attributes or <meta> elements) and read it with static JavaScript.
  • Again, using a seperate endpoint: Serve up JSON with the data in it and read that with Ajax from a static JS file. (Again, you'll need a way to determine which data to send for that particular request).

How to use a passed variable in an ejs file

If I got it right, you are trying to insert the value of the EJS variable in the HTML tag from JavaScript when the user clicks the checkbox.

The value of the HTML tag doesn't change because in your JS code:

    document.querySelector('.plan-title').innerHTML =;
document.querySelector('.plan-description').innerHTML = investment.description; and investment.description are undefined. Check the console on your page.

This is because you tried accessing EJS variables after the page finished rendering.

EJS is mainly used to pass server-side variables to the page before it is rendered. So once it's rendered you cannot access those variables.

So to have the values of those variables in your JavaScript after the page finishes rendering, try doing:

    document.querySelector('.plan-title').innerHTML = '<%- %>';
document.querySelector('.plan-description').innerHTML = '<%- investment.description %>';

instead. This is how you pass the EJS variable to JavaScript. JavaScript now sees it as a string and there's no problem, unlike in your code where it was looking for investment object and returned undefined since that variable is not defined on the client-side.

Also, since you have a for-each loop in the HTML part, I'm assuming you are trying to change the values of specific plan-title and plan-description divs. If that's the case, '<%= %>' and '<%= investment.description %>' in JavaScript part should be in a for-each loop as well, but that would be a lot of mess.

I suggest you instead to right under the for-each loop in the HTML part, add class to the div tag according to the index of the for-each loop, add on change event to the checkbox, and pass the checkbox and the index of the for-each loop to the JavaScript function which would handle the on change event, include the EJS variables in the plan-title and plan-description divs, and in the JavaScript function that handles on change event change the CSS display property from display: none to display: block to these divs.

See an example:


            <% investments.forEach((investment, index)=>{ %>
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="card">
<%= %>
<%= investment.min %> - <%=investment.max %>
<%= investment.caption %>
<p><input onchange="displayPlan(this, '<%= index %>')" type="checkbox" name="plan" id="">Choose investment</p>
<% if(currentUser && currentUser.isAdmin){ %>
<a href="/investment/<%= investment._id %>/edit">Edit</a>
<a href="/investment/new">Delete</a>
<% } %>

<% }) %>
<% investments.forEach((investment, index)=>{ %>
<div class="plan <%= index %>" style="display: none;">
<div><strong>Package: </strong>
<p class="plan-title">
<%- %>
<p class="plan-description">
<%- investment.description %>
<input type="number" name="" id="" min="<%= investment.min %>"
max="<%= investment.max %>">
<% }) %>


    function displayPlan(checkbox, id){
if (checkbox.checked) {
document.querySelector(`.plan.${id}`).style.display = 'block';
else {
document.querySelector(`.plan.${id}`).style.display = 'none';


EDIT: Grammar and syntax issues

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