Regexp to Match Every Occurence After N Occurences

RegEx to match all occurrences of a character *after* the first occurrence?

Your problem is that you'd need not just lookbehind (which some regex flavors don't support at all) but infinite repetition inside the lookbehind assertion (which only very few flavors support, like .NET for example).

Therefore, the .NET- or JGSoft-compatible regex


won't work in Objective C, Python, Java, etc.

So you need to do it in several steps: First find the string after the first w:


(if you have lookbehind support at all), then take the match and search for w inside that.

If lookbehind isn't supported, then search for w(.*) and apply the following search to the contents of the capturing group 1 ($1).

RegEx: Match nth occurrence

You can use this regex:


RegEx Demo

RegEx Details:

  • \b_name: Match full word _name:
  • =: Match a =
  • (?:[^"]*"){3}: Match 0 or more non-" characters followed by a ". Repeat this group 3 times.

Finding the nth occurrence of a number using regex

You can use this regex to pick Nth number:


Replace 2 by any number you want. Your number is available in captured group #1

  • \D matches any non-digit
  • \d matches a digit

RegEx Demo

regex to match substring after nth occurence of pipe character

To match part after nth occurrence of pipe you can use this regex:


Here n=3

It will match in matched group #1

RegEx Demo

How to find and replace every nth character occurrence using regex?

You can use:

str = str.replace(/((?:[^x]*x){2}[^x]*)x/g, '$1y');

So if you are searching for every 3rd occurrence then use n-1 between {} in above regex.

To build it dynamically use:

let str = 'I amx nexver axt hoxme on Sxundxaxs';let n = 3;let ch = 'x';
let regex = new RegExp("((?:[^" +ch+ "]*" +ch+ "){" + (n-1) + "}[^" +ch+ "]*)" +ch, "g");
str = str.replace(regex, '$1y');
console.log(str);//=> I amx nexver ayt hoxme on Sxundyaxs

Match all after nth occurrence of specified character

I would propose this:


This only matches the part within quotes, excluding (but requiring) the ending ";.

See demo on regex101

regular expression capture nth match

for nth match use this pattern (?:.*?\$[0-9.]+){XX}.*?(\$[0-9.]+)

where XX = n-1

Example for 3rd match

regular expression to match everything until the last occurrence of /

You can match this:


and replace with your text.


Javascript Regex match everything after last occurrence of string

One option would be to match everything up until the last [/quote], and then get anything following it. (example)


This works since .* is inherently greedy, and it will match every up until the last \[\/quote\].

Based on the string you provided, this would be the first capturing group match:

\nThis is all the text I\'m wirting about myself.\n\nLook at me ma. Javascript.

But since your string contains new lines, and . doesn't match newlines, you could use [\s\S] in place of . in order to match anything.

Updated Example


You could also avoid regex and use the .lastIndexOf() method along with .slice():

Updated Example

var match = '[\/quote]';
var textAfterLastQuote = str.slice(str.lastIndexOf(match) + match.length);
document.getElementById('res').innerHTML = "Results: " + textAfterLastQuote;

Alternatively, you could also use .split() and then get the last value in the array:

Updated Example

var textAfterLastQuote = str.split('[\/quote]').pop();
document.getElementById('res').innerHTML = "Results: " + textAfterLastQuote;

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