Stop Fixed Position At Footer

Stop fixed position at footer

Live demo

first, check its offset every time you scroll the page

$(document).scroll(function() {

and make its position absolute if it has been downed under 10px before the footer.

function checkOffset() {
if($('#social-float').offset().top + $('#social-float').height()
>= $('#footer').offset().top - 10)
$('#social-float').css('position', 'absolute');
if($(document).scrollTop() + window.innerHeight < $('#footer').offset().top)
$('#social-float').css('position', 'fixed'); // restore when you scroll up

notice that #social-float's parent should be sibling of the footer

<div class="social-float-parent">
<div id="social-float">
<div id="footer">

good luck :)

Make Fixed Position Div Stop before footer

What you should do is use the position: sticky; CSS property, along with specifying top. You will not need to use JavaScript at all.
Here's a snippet:

.footer {
height: 1000px;

.container {
height: 1000px;

.sticky {
position: sticky;
top: 0;
<div class="container">
<div class="sticky">Sticky bar</div>

<div class="footer">Footer</div>

How to stop fixed position scrolling at footer

to do the opposite of the example you provided ( sticking the div to the top and not to bottom ) , remove the window.innerHeight from the second if and compare the scroll + the element's height with offset of the footer, and use top and bottom positionning to place the div where you want,

this should do the trick :

$(document).scroll(function() {
if ($('.userInfo').offset().top + $('.userInfo').height() >= $('footer').offset().top - 10)
'position': 'absolute',
'bottom': 0,
'top': 'auto'

if ($(document).scrollTop() + $('.userInfo').height() < $('footer').offset().top)
'position': 'fixed',
'top': 0,
'bottom': 'auto'
}); // restore when you scroll up

here's a fiddle :

How to stop fixed position of sticky sidebar when bottom footer is reached

I got this working how I want, only thing is there's a little bugginess to the sidebar getting stuck on top of the footer sometimes, but I'm happy with it overall. I'm setting top position to a negative number based on where the sidebar is relative to the footer.

function sticky_relocate() {
const sticky = document.querySelector('#sticky');
const window_top = window.scrollY;
const footer_top = document.querySelector('#footer').offsetTop;
const div_top = document.querySelector('#sticky-anchor').offsetTop;
const div_height = document.querySelector('#sticky').offsetHeight;
var padding = 0; // tweak here or get from margins etc

if (window_top + div_height > footer_top - padding){
let negTop = (window_top + div_height - footer_top + padding) * -1; = negTop + 'px';
}else if (window_top > div_top) {
sticky.classList.add('stick'); = 0;
} else {
window.addEventListener('scroll', sticky_relocate);

Updated pen

Stopping position:fixed div at certain point (before footer starts)

Your code works. You just missed out a ")" at the end of your javascript file. So completing your JS file it should be:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {

var navTop = $('#nav').offset().top;
var navStop = $('#stop').offset().top;
var lastMode = "absolute";

$(window).scroll(function() {
var mode;
if ($(this).scrollTop() >= navTop) {
if ($(this).scrollTop() - navStop + $('#nav').height() > 0)
mode = 'absolute';
mode = 'fixed';
} else {
mode = 'absolute';

if (lastMode !== mode) {
if (mode == 'fixed') {
$('#nav').css('position', 'fixed');
$('#nav').css('top', '0');
} else {
$('#nav').css('position', 'absolute');
$('#nav').css('top', navTop);
lastMode = mode;


Here I say this is "Solved"

fixed when scrolling but stop at footer

Okay, it depends a lot on your html structure. But let's say you have it like that:

<div class="container">
<div class="content">
<div class="sticky">
<div class="footer">

Now, in css:

position: relative
position: sticky;
top: 60px;

It should do exactly what you need.

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