How to Get Route Url Params in a Page in Nuxt2 and 3

How to get route url params in a page in Nuxt2 and 3?

Note: This answer is for Vue2 and Nuxt2. If you are looking for answer for nuxt3 or vue3, refer to other answers.

In the .vue file, to get the Vue router route object:


( notice the Vue router is under the this.$router object)

The $route object has some useful properties:

fullpath: string,
params: {
[params_name]: string
//fullpath without query
path: string
//all the things after ? in url
query: {
[query_name]: string

You can use the $route object like this:

export default {
mounted() {

the url path params is under the route.params, as in your case route.params.slug

export default {
mounted() {

the Vue mouted hook only run on client, when you want to get the params on server, you can use the asyncData method:

export default {
asyncData({route, params}) {
if (process.server) {
//use route object
//directly use params

But, pay attention:

It will be called server-side once (on the first request to the Nuxt app) and client-side when navigating to further routes.

If you don't need the params information on server, like you don't need to get data based on the params on server side, I think the mounted hook will suffice.

How to get current route name in Nuxt 2 and 3?

yes you can use vuejs route objects like $ or $route.path


return current path


The name of the current route, if it has one.

Route Object Properties

A route object represents the state of the current active route. It
contains parsed information of the current URL and the route records
matched by the URL.

  • $route.path

    • type: string

    • A string that equals the path of the current route, always resolved as an absolute path. e.g. "/foo/bar".

  • $route.fullPath

    • type: string

    • The full resolved URL including query and hash.


And if you want to get the url params. Like this :
Sample Image
You do this:

  data() {
return {
zone: this.$nuxt.$,
jour: this.$nuxt.$route.query.jour

} },


nuxt how to have a question mark after the page name

Change your _index.vue to _id.vue which is the nuxt default

Set priority for dynamic routes with same parent folder

More details after the questions in the comments

Yeah, the wording of this is a bit messy IMO, but you do have:

  • path variable like /consultations/1234, accessed with this.$
  • query param like /consultations?age=today, accessed with this.$route.query.age

Not sure if this blog post may clarify it a bit.

A bit confusing but really not the same thing!

From your routes, if you want to access the _slug.vue, you need to reach for /consultations/1234/my-cool-slug.

Otherwise, you need to check your folder structure again or change how _filter is caught.

Don't you want to have it as a query param like /consultations?age=today&type=dentist?

You may have several filters and not just a single one.

TLDR: you cannot have a priority, it is decided by the schema you're providing and it will always take the shortest route matching as far as I know.

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