How to Fire an Event When V-Model Changes

How to fire an event when v-model changes?

This happens because your click handler fires before the value of the radio button changes. You need to listen to the change event instead:

v-on:change="foo"> //here

Also, make sure you really want to call foo() on ready... seems like maybe you don't actually want to do that.


How trigger click event after v-model's change on vue?

Use change event instead of click:

<div id="app">
I accept the terms and use

How to fire function after v-model change?

I think your problem is with the scoping of this in your success handler for http. Your articles object in Vue component is not getting any values from your http.get(..) success handler.

Inside your ready function, your http success handler should be as follows:

this.$http.get('posts').then(response => {
this.articles = response.body; // 'this' belongs to outside scope

Alternatively you can also do:

var self = this;  // self points to 'this' of Vue component
this.$http.get('posts').then(response => {
self.articles = response.body; // 'self' points to 'this' of outside scope

Another similar issue:

One more thing - it is preferable to define data as a function, as follows:

var articlesVM = new Vue({
el: '#search',
data: function() {
return {
articles: [],
searchInput: null

This ensures that your articles object is unique to this instance of the component (when you use the same component at multiple places within your app).

Edited after comment #1

The following code seems to work alright, the watch function works flawlessly:

var vm = new Vue({
el: '#search',
template: `<input v-model="searchInput" class="center-align" id="searchInput" type="text" >`,
data: {
searchInput: ""
watch: {
searchInput: function() {
console.log("searchInput changed to " + this.searchInput);

The input in template is an exact copy of your version - I have even set the id along with v-model, though I do not see the reason to set an id

Vue.js version: 2.0.3

I am unable to see any further, based on details in the question. Can you check if your code matches with the one above and see if you can get the console debugging messages?

Edited after comment #4, #5

Here is another thought which you need to verify:

  • Role of vue.js: Render the DOM
  • Role of salvattore plugin: Make the DOM layouts using CSS only

Assuming the above is true for salvattore plugin, and hopefully it does not mess with vue.js observers / getters / setters, then you can do the following: provide a time delay of about 50 ms so that vue.js completes the rendering, and then call the salvattore plugin to perform the layouts.

So your watch function needs to be as follows:

watch: {
searchInput: function (){
}, 50);

Alternatively you may also use Vue.nexttick() as follows:

Vue.nextTick(function () {
// DOM updated

The nextTick is documented here:

I do not know if you may need to provide a little bit of extra time for salvattore plugin to start the layouts, but one of the above should work out.

Let me know if it works!

Fire Event When Model Value Change in Vue JS

You can use a watcher for this

<select v-model="selected.applicationType" class="form-control">
<option v-for="item in applicationTypes"
export default
return {
applicationType: null

Watch is not firing when v-model changes

It doesn't look like type="date" fires an input event till there's a whole date in the input. If you use the picker it'll fire, but if you update each piece separately it won't fire till the month, day AND year is filled in.

What I'd do it set selectedDate to a default value and mark the field required so the user can't empty it.

Vue JS call function on v-model data() change

So I managed to find a solution, the issue was in a different function.

In data(), I had 2 variables, which I was altering in a different function.

inputDate: new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 10),
topValue: 0,
heightValue: 78,

this.topValue = x + this.topValue;
this.heightValue = y + this.heightValue;

top: `${topValue}px`,
height: `${heightValue}px`,

Then in a template, I was passing the aforementioned return as Inline styling, the template was in turn inside a v-for, which caused the infinite loop

Instead I was able to fix the issue by removing the data's topValue and heightValue and just decalred them in the fnWithIssue(x,y)

let topValue = x + topValue;
let heightValue = y + heightValue;

top: `${topValue}px`,
height: `${heightValue}px`

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