Special Character Validation Using JavaScript

Special character validation

Simply add them to the character group. Of course, because both - and / are special characters in this context (/ ends a RegExp, - expresses a range), you'll need to escape them with a preceding \:

function validateAddress(){
var TCode = document.getElementById('address').value;

if( /[^a-zA-Z0-9\-\/]/.test( TCode ) ) {
alert('Input is not alphanumeric');
return false;

return true;

How to check for special characters when validating a form

You were catching every symbol.

Let's just simple only allow
a-z lowercase,
A-Z uppercase and or
0-9 as @SterlingArcher said.

/[^a-zA-Z ]/g Will allow only a-z and A-Z

/[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/g Will allow only a-z, A-Z, and 0-9

Letters and Numbers:

function ValidateActInsert() {    var specialChars = /[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/g;    if (document.actorInsert.actInsert.value.match(specialChars)) {        alert ("Only characters A-Z, a-z and 0-9 are allowed!")        document.actorInsert.actInsert.focus();        return false;    }    return (true);}
<form name = "actorInsert" align = "center" action="actorInserting.php" onSubmit="return ValidateActInsert()">    Actor name:<br>    <input type = "text" name = "actInsert"    <br><br>    <input type = "submit" value = "Insert"></form>

Validation for passwords with special characters

You can get through your requirement using a single regex alone. You may try the regex below:


Explanation of the above regex:

^, $ - Denotes the start and end of the line respectively.

(?=\D*\d) - Represents a positive look-around which asserts for at least a digit.

(?=[^A-Z]*[A-Z]) - Represents a positive look-around which asserts for at least an upper case letter.

(?=[^a-z]*[a-z]) - Represents a positive look-around which asserts for at least a lower case letter.

(?=[^-!@._*#%]*[-!@._*#%]) - Represents a positive look-around which asserts for at least a symbol among the listed. You can add more symbols according to your requirement.

[-A-Za-z0-9=!@._*#%]* - Matches zero or more among the listed characters. You can add more symbols accordingly.

You can find the demo of the above regex in here.

Sample implementation of the above regex in javascript:

const myRegexp = /^(?=[^\d\n]*\d)(?=[^A-Z\n]*[A-Z])(?=[^a-z\n]*[a-z])(?=[^-!@._*#%\n]*[-!@._*#%])[-A-Za-z0-9=!@._*#%]*$/gm; // Using \n for demo example. In real time no requirement of the same.const myString = `thisisSOSmepassword#T#!sIsS0om3%PasswordthisisSOSmepassword12thisissommepassword12#THISISSOMEPASSWORD12#thisisSOMEVALIDP@SSWord123`;// 1. doesn't contain a digit --> fail// 3. doesn't contain a symbol --> fail// 4. doesn't contain an Upper case letter --> fail// 5. doesn't contain a lowercase letter --> faillet match;// Taken the below variable to store the result. You can use if-else clause if you just want to check validity i.e. valid or invalid.let resultString = "";match = myRegexp.exec(myString);while (match != null) {  resultString = resultString.concat(match[0] + "\n");  match = myRegexp.exec(myString);}console.log(resultString);

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