Is It Okay to Call Onclick on an Anchor Tag in Reactjs

Is it okay to call onClick on an anchor tag in ReactJS

You should create your own element with a span for example :

<span className='sub' onClick={this.anchorClickHandler}>Link</span>

Apply the same styling to it using CSS (or inline CSS if this is a quick fix) :

.sub {
cursor: pointer,
color: blue

And then change your page in the function you showed us :

anchorClickHandler = event => {
analytics.submitData({event: "page redirection"});
// Navigate to /link/to/other/page
window.location.href = '/link/to/other/page';

Anchor tag with onclick event handler not working in React

from the parent

handleChange() {
() => window.location.hash = "#/blog";

and dont use <a>, make an element with onChange event

href with onClick in ReactJS

Both options produce almost the same result. Since ActionLink is a stateless component, handleClick will be re-created and onClick reallocated. If you want to get the best performance, you can use a class, something like this:

class ActionLink extends React.Component () {
handleClick = (e) => {
console.log('The link was clicked.');

render() {
return (
<a href="#" onClick={this.handleClick}>
Click me

In this example. the handleClick is bound only once, and only the render method will be executed. You can also bind the handleClick in the constructor if you prefer. But the differences are so small that I would suggest you use the one you prefer and you find it clearer.

onClick in anchor tag triggers without clicking in react


This calls the function and assigns the returned value to the <a> tags onClick handler. To get a function instead, do this:

props.onClick.bind(this, i+1)

bind() creates a new function which calls the original one with the given this context and parameters. If props.onClick() accepts more parameters, the new function takes the same parameters.

Redirect is not working with onClick method in anchor tag

Try this.

Use useHistory hook if you have a functional component

import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom";
let history = useHistory();
const handleLogin = () => {

if class-based component:

const handleLogin = () => {

Creating anchor with onClick that React handles

With React you're supposed to build components and subcomponents, not compose long HTML strings. You're basically undermining React's usage pattern, which is precisely the reason why the attribute you're using contains the word "dangerously".

Here's one way how to implement that list:

class SimpleComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { menu_items: [{ name: "First", id: 10 }] };
this.clickMenu = this.clickMenu.bind(this);
clickMenu(id) {
render() {
var items = => {
let handleClick = () => {
return (
<li key={}>
<a onClick={handleClick}>
return <ul>{items}</ul>;

I'm building an array of <li> elements by mapping state.menu_items. Since the component is re-rendered when state changes occur, this will always update according to the current state (and only make changes that are actually necessary, which is one of React's defining characteristics).

Also note that your constructor was missing the super(props) call, and your state array's single element wasn't wrapped in curly braces.

How to use href with onClick() in IonButton?

you do not really want to use href use history

const history = useHistory();
<IonButton color="primary"
onClick={(event) => {
> Save

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