Array Map into String With Line Break - React

Split elements in array and add line break, then join - Javascript

class App extends React.Component{  render(){    var arr = ["hello", "there", "world"]    return(      <div>        {><React.Fragment>{s}<br/></React.Fragment>)}      </div>    )  }}
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("app"))
<script crossorigin src=""></script><script crossorigin src=""></script><div id="app"></div>

Add a line break into the long string in <li> React

You need to wrap your {movieData.seats} with some element and apply this styles to it:

word-break: break-word;
white-space: pre-wrap;

How to add newline when I return array in React?

Wrap the string in a <div> and then push it into array.

dummyDataLoop = () => {
var rows = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
rows.push(<div>dummy data</div>);
return rows;

Another way is to use map() and spread operator to shorten the code.

dummyDataLoop = () => [...Array(10)].map(x => <div>dummy data</div>)

How can I insert a line break into a <Text> component in React Native?

This should do it:

this is a test message.

React js - Updating state with array values and a line break

When you say

<div className="validation-msg">{this.state.message}</div>

the {this.state.message} part will be rendered by coercing it to a string (all text in the DOM ends up as a string).

Because message is an array, coercing it to a string is the same as joining all the elements it contains by coercing them individually to a string (in this case they are already strings) and adding a comma in between: