How to Check If Prevprops and Nextprops Are the Same in React

How to check if prevProps and nextProps are the same in React?

Don't use componentWillReceiveProps -- this hook will be soon deprecated. componentDidUpdate is the correct hook for what you need.

The problem is that the comparison you're doing is a shallow comparison -- i.e. it doesn't compare the nested values in the respective arrays.

The basic idea is that you should loop over both arrays and compared individual nested values -- here's more information about that: How to compare arrays in JavaScript?

You could also use something like's lodash's isEqual method to perform a deep comparison between two arrays:

Comparing prevProps and nextProps in a React.memo Component to prevent unnecessary re-rendering but it's acting funny

That was a good head-scratcher, but I think I found the issue.

When you create your callback modifyPlayer you rightly pass playerDict as a dependency, since the callback relies on having an "up to date" version of playerDict before it can create a new version of playerDict using the latest update event. But this also means that each time the the depencendy playerDict changes (with every change event) you will get a new modifyPlayer-callback function.

But the areEqual function in the Player-component (around line 29) says that the component should only update if any of the player properties have changed (id, firstName or lastName), this means that the component never receives the updated callback-function, so it will try to update the the playerDict using the "wrong" previous version of the data (because it has a previous version of the callback function).

Including a check for equality between prevProps.modifyPlayer and nextProps.modifyPlayer makes the code behave like expected again:

// in Player.js - around line 29
(prevProps, nextProps) => {
// Check to see if the data is the same
if (
prevProps.player.firstName === nextProps.player.firstName &&
prevProps.player.lastName === nextProps.player.lastName && === &&
prevProps.modifyPlayer === nextProps.modifyPlayer
) {
return true; // Return true if they ARE the same
} else {
return false; // Return false if they are NOT the same

Edit: Updated demo code here

What is the best way to compare between the many prevProps and nextProps in Reactjs?

I want to update the child component if there is any update in the props.

This is what React does by default! You should work with its normal component updates rather than trying to fight against it and decide whether to update things yourself.

You can use getDerivedStateFromProps for this, but there are probably better ways still, like just computing the vector directly in the render method.

Here is an article with lots more detail:

After updating props, this.props is always === nextProps / prevProps

=== will check if it's the same object. It seems that what you're doing is mutating the value that the boxes property points to.

React.memo prevProps always different from nextProps even if props never changes

If you use === JS will make a reference comparison and what you need is a deep comparison. For do this you could use something like this =>

or use lodash [] to make it more easier;

with lodash it will be something like this:

const _ = require("lodash");

_.isEqual(prevProps, nextProps);

Why prevProps always the same to current props in componentDidUpdate?

It depends on how you change your state and person object in it.
See the example here, it works correctly.

The first state doesn't have any id, so you get an error. In case if you have some person id and then change the state to new data it's should be new object with a new reference

class Person extends React.PureComponent {
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (prevProps.person !== null && ( !== {
console.log('it works');

render() {
const { person } = this.props;
return (
{person &&}

class A extends React.PureComponent {
constructor() {
this.state = {
person: null

componentDidMount() {
setTimeout(() => {
person: {
id: 0,
age: 20,
name: 'John'
}, 1000);

render() {
const { person } = this.state;
return (
<Person person={person} />

<A />,

Comparing PrevProps in componentDidUpdate

Hi :) as noted in my comment, the issue is in your App.js file - you are mutating an array. In other words, when you THINK you are creating a new array of selected countries to pass down, you are actually updating the original array, and so when you go to do a comparison you are comparing the two exact same arrays ALWAYS.

Try updating your App.js like so -

selectLocation = (id, type, lng, lat, polydata, name, clear = false) => {
//console.log(type); //console.log(lng); //console.log(lat); //console.log(polydata);
let selectedType = 'selected' + type; let previousState = [];
if (clear) { this.setState({ selectedCountries: [], selectedLocations: [], selectedServices: [], selectedPoints: [], mapCenter: [lng, lat], locationGeoCoords: [polydata] }) previousState.push(id);
} else {
previousState = [].concat(this.state[selectedType]); if (previousState.indexOf(id) === -1) { //push id previousState.push(id);
} else { //remove id var index = previousState.indexOf(id) previousState.splice(index, 1); } }
if (type === "Countries") {
this.setState({ selectedCountries: previousState, refreshData: true, }) } else if (type === "Locations") { this.setState({ selectedLocations: previousState, refreshData: true }) } else if (type === "Points") { this.setState({ selectedPoints: previousState, refreshData: true }) }


render() { return (
<component selectedCountries={this.state.selectedCountries} selectedLocations={this.state.selectedLocations} refreshData={this.state.refreshData} /> }}

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