Onchange Event Updates State With 1 Character Delay

onChange event updates state with 1 character delay

What helped me in this case was finding out that setState has a callback function, i.e

this.setState({ someState: 'someState' }, () => {
//Anything you need to do after state update here

onChange is one character on delay - Hooks

As you know, useState is async function. When you use useState inside functional Component, you have to handle variable in useEffect to see change of variable like this:

const App = () => {
const [search, setSearch] = useState("");
const onChange = e => {

useEffect(() => {
console.log("Search message inside useEffect: ", search);
}, [search]);

return <input onChange={onChange} />;

update state with onchange event have a delay character

setState() does not immediately mutate this.state but creates a pending state transition. Accessing this.state after calling this method can potentially return the existing value.

See more about it https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/component-api.html

Changing state for input is delayed by one character (useState hook)

it's always one character late

The console logs are within the previous state cycle so it's expected that it's "one cycle" late. Remember setState() is asynchronous.

If you want to log the current changes, use useEffect hook.

  useEffect(() => {
console.log(filteredData.query); // not late
console.log(filteredData.filteredProfiles); // same here!
}, [filteredData]);

The effect hook will listen for current filteredData changes and log it.

Also I suggest using useCallback for event handlers.

Delay on updating the state by one character

In your updateInputField function - Instead of calculating the sum before updating input[key], try updating updating input[key], then calculate sum. Like this:

// first, update 'input' with the new value
input[key] = value;

// next, calculate the new sum
let sum = +input.inputField1 + +input.inputField2 + +input.inputField3 + +input.inputField4

The "Delay" you're seeing is due to the fact that your code follows this order:

  1. Gets old input values from state
  2. Calculates the sum of the old input values
  3. Updates input (at the current key that got updated) with the value
    • This needs to be #2, not #3!
  4. Sets the updated input in state
  5. Calls this.updateInput

So your new updateInputField function would look like this:

updateInputField= (key, value) => {
let {input} = this.state;
// first, update 'input' with the new value
input[key] = value;

// next, calculate the new sum
let sum = +input.inputField1 + +input.inputField2 + +input.inputField3 + +input.inputField4

window.input = input;

onChange input delay in React

Since State Updates May Be Asynchronous.

With hooks, this can be achieved by

const [state, setState] = useState(/* ... */)

setState(/* ... */)

useEffect(() => {
// state is guaranteed to be what you want
}, [state])

onChange in React doesn't capture the last character of text

When are you logging the state? Remember that setState is asynchronous, so if you want to print the new state, you have to use the callback parameter. Imagine this component:

let Comp = React.createClass({
getInitialState() {
return { text: "abc" };

render() {
return (
<input type="text" value={this.state.text}
onChange={this.handleChange} />
<button onClick={this.printValue}>Print Value</button>

handleChange(event) {
console.log("Value from event:", event.target.value);

text: event.target.value
}, () => {
console.log("New state in ASYNC callback:", this.state.text);

console.log("New state DIRECTLY after setState:", this.state.text);

printValue() {
console.log("Current value:", this.state.text);

Typing a d at the end of the input will result in the following being logged to the console:

Value from event: abcd
New state DIRECTLY after setState: abc
New state in ASYNC callback: abcd

Notice that the middle value is missing the last character. Here's a working example.

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