Javascript to Hide Multiple Div

How to show/hide multiple divs using if/else statement?

So let's walk through it in the first myFunction. That will work reliably because there's only two options - "is x set to display: none? if so, do X; otherwise, do Y" will always work as expected because it is simple binary logic (all the cases are handled, it basically just toggles the style.display property). As soon as you bring more complicated logic into the equation and take multiple factors into consideration, it gets a little more slippery, and you need to formulate your approach more carefully.

The logic you basically want is, if X is hidden, show it; if y is hidden AND x is visible, show it; finally, if X is visible AND y is visible AND z is hidden, show it. You can write this in a really readable way by defining some quick isHidden(), isVisible(), and show() helper functions:

EDIT: FZs made a good point about classes not being caught by this logic. To account for that, all we need to do is add an "OR classList contains hidden" expression to the isHidden() check and voila.

// helperslet isHidden = (el) => == "none" || el.classList.contains('hidden'),    isVisible = (el) => !isHidden(el),    show = (el) => = "block";
// elementslet x = document.getElementById("div-x"), y = document.getElementById("div-y"), z = document.getElementById("div-z");
// click handlerlet handleClick = () => {
if (isHidden(x)) show(x);
else if (isHidden(y) && isVisible(x)) show(y);
else if (isHidden(z) && isVisible(y) && isVisible(x)) show(z);
else console.log("It worked!"); }
document.getElementById('btn').addEventListener('click', handleClick);
<div id="div-x" style="display:none">X</div><div id="div-y" style="display:none">Y</div><div id="div-z" style="display:none">Z</div>
<button id="btn">Click me!</button>

Show/Hide multiple Divs with same class name (javascript)


@cirix has brought to my attention that my original code breaks because of the use of nextElementSibling without the necessary precautions to terminate the sibling chain. As it was before the edit if the last div was clicked it nextElementSibling would report a null since the last element would never have a next sibling (that's what makes last ...last).

There are 2 changes:

  1. Added an extra condition to ensure that the only event.targets dealt with are <a>nchors, thereby fixing the issue.
  2. Removed classList.add/remove and replaced them with classList.toggle(), that's an improvement, not a fix.

Use event delegation by wrapping all of your elements in one element. Then register the click event on it. With a little more setup you'll be able to control as many links as you want with just one eventListener. Details commented in Snippet.


// Reference the parent elementvar main = document.getElementById('main');
/* Register main to the click event || when clicked ANYWHERE within main || toggle() is called*/main.addEventListener('click', toggle, false);
function toggle(e) { /* Determine if the current element in the || event chain is the anchor that was || clicked. */ if ( !== e.currentTarget && === "A") { /* tgt is the clicked link || txt is the div that follows tgt */ var tgt =; var txt = tgt.nextElementSibling; // Toggle classes .on and .off txt.classList.toggle('on'); txt.classList.toggle('off'); }
.off {  display: none;}
.on { display: inline-block;}
<section id='main'>  <a class='toggleText' href="#/">Show1</a>  <div class='displayText off'>    Text1  </div>  <a class='toggleText' href="#/">Show2</a>  <div class='displayText off'>    Text2  </div>  <a class='toggleText' href="#/">Show3</a>  <div class='displayText off'>    Text3  </div>  <a class='toggleText' href="#/">Show4</a>  <div class='displayText off'>    Text4  </div></section>

jQuery show / hide multiple divs

By default keep all .carDetails div as hidden.

Keep open class on first car div.

Remove/Add .open class on the carDetails that is clicked.

$(".carTitle").on('click', function(e) {  var carDetailsDiv = $(event.currentTarget).next();  if ($(carDetailsDiv).hasClass('open')) {    $(carDetailsDiv).removeClass('open');  } else {    $(carDetailsDiv).addClass('open');  }
event.preventDefault(); return false;});
.carDetails {  display: none;} { display: block;}
<script src=""></script><div id="carItem01_container">  <div id="carToyota" class="carTitle">    <div class="carName">Toyote    </div>  </div>  <div id="carToyota_show" class="carDetails open">    <div class="carDescription"> ...    </div>  </div></div>
<div id="carItem02_container"> <div id="carMazda" class="carTitle"> <div class="carName">Mazda </div> </div> <div id="carMazda_show" class="carDetails"> <div class="carDescription"> ... </div> </div></div>
<div id="carItem03_container"> <div id="carVolvo" class="carTitle"> <div class="carName">Volvo </div> </div> <div id="carVolvo_show" class="carDetails"> <div class="carDescription"> ... </div> </div></div>

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