How to Hide the Android Keyboard Using JavaScript

How can I hide the Android keyboard using JavaScript?

What you need to do is create a new input field, append it to the body, focus it and the hide it using display:none. You will need to enclose these inside some setTimeouts unfortunately to make this work.

var field = document.createElement('input');
field.setAttribute('type', 'text');

setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
field.setAttribute('style', 'display:none;');
}, 50);
}, 50);

javascript - hide mobile default keyboard but keep input field active

Thank you for the replies. As the consensus is that this is not possible I did a work-around that I am posting here:

The basic principle is to blur the input field and then capture the keypresses to add them to the input field anyway.

In this situation I am using a barcode scanner with all-numeric barcodes so that's what this will work with but if someone else should be interested it should be trivial to adapt to other situations:

<script src=""></script>
$( document ).ready( function () {
// _input_fields and _scan_fields are jQuery objects with the relevant elements
let _input_fields = $("input[type=number], input[type=text], input:not([type]), select");
let _scan_fields = $("input[type=number].scanner");
// _ignore is set to true when a scannable field actually _should_ get focus
var _ignore = false;
// onfocus() for relevant input fields on page
// only do something if scannable fields shouldn't actually get focus
if (!_ignore) {
// outer is the current input field that is getting focus
let outer = this;
// found is set to true if the current input field is scannable
let found = false;
// loop through all scannable fields to see if the current input field is one of them
_scan_fields.each(function(index) {
// inner is one of the scannable fields, possibly the current input field
let inner = this;
// _field stores the current input field _if_ it is scannable
var _field;
// only check (and potentially reset key capture) if we have not found the current
// input field to be one of the scannable fields (yet)
if (!found) {
// check if the current input field "outer" is the currently examined
// scannable field "inner"
if (inner == outer) {
// the current input field is one of the scannable fields
// immediately remove focus to disable mobile keyboard
// remember which input field we have found and disable further checks
_field = inner;
found = true;
// remove any existing keycapture (might destroy existing functionality!!!)
// capture keypresses and add numbers to the input field
var _field = inner;
let keynum = event.which;
if (keynum == 13) { // enter
// ignore or submit?
} else if ((keynum < 48) || (keynum > 57)) {
// not-a-number, ignore in this case
} else {
// a number, add to field value
$(_field).val($(_field).val() + String.fromCharCode(event.which));
} else {
// this is a regular field
// remove any existing keycapture (might destroy existing functionality!!!)
// add a button after each scannable input field
return "<button class='descanner'>123</button>";
// if those buttons are pressed, the input field before them actually gets focus
// overriding the new behaviour
// these buttons do not submit the form
// remove any existing keycapture (might destroy existing functionality!!!)
// set focus for the input field but make sure we don't catch this above
// also, clear content of input field
_ignore = true;
_ignore = false;
<input type="number" name="field1" class="" />
<input type="text" name="field2" class="" />
<input name="field3" class="" />
<select name="field4" class="">
<option value="bac">abc</option>
<input type="number" name="field5" class="scanner" />
<input type="number" name="field6" class="" />
<input type="number" name="field7" class="scanner" />


The form has 7 fields and 2 of those have the desired functionality. To enable manual edit of those fields a button is added next to each of those 2 fields.

This has been tested in Chrome 55 and on a Zebra TC 51 with Webview updated to Chromium 55.

Hide soft keyboard android application start up in phonegap

You need to install the keyboard plugin.

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-keyboard

Now on device ready event hide the keyboard.


Edit 1 :-

try adding this line in androidmanifest.xml


Hope this might help.

Hide virtual keyboard on mobile with Jquery/Javascript (Mobiscroll)

Blur was the key for my issue ! Mobiscroll has a method called onBeforeShow that gets called before the mobiscroll appears. In this method I used blur() on the input type i used the mobiscroll on ! My code below:

var options = {
preset: this.preset,
theme: 'wp light',
mode: 'scroller',
display: 'bottom',
timeWheels: "HHii",
dateFormat: "dd-mm-yy",
timeFormat: "HH:ii",
lang: 'nl', // TODO: Deduce from application language.
onBeforeShow: (html, inst) => { this.findControl().blur();}

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