Parsing Error: Unexpected Token, Expected ","

Parsing error: Unexpected token, expected "..."

From the code it looks like you're looking at the correct line but the wrong place.

You're missing a "=" for value to "to" prop of the Link

<Link to={`/competitions/${}`}>

Parsing error: Unexpected token, expected "," AND SyntaxError: Unexpected token '['

There are several solutions.

  1. Wrap it around a bracket:
for (let i in ids) {
obj = { ...obj, [ids[i]]: "" }; // Brackets make it act as a key name instead of something else

  1. The simple and easy way:
for (let i in ids) {
obj[ids[i]] = ""; // This adds a value

How to fix Parsing error: Unexpected token, expected "," in index.tsx?

I found the issue by cloning into your repo. It is with "parser": "babel" in eslint.rc prettier/prettier.

Use "parser": "babel-ts" or "parser": "typescript".

Sample Image

Sample Image

Parsing error: Unexpected token, expected "," - React with Typescript

This is a ESLint problem, I solved including eslintrc.json inside project root with it's configuration.

Parsing error: unexpected token, expected "," and my react app is not showing up in browser. HELP PLEASE

I'm guessing the comma should be right before the document.getElementById() portion, like this:

</BrowserRouter>, /* this is where the comma goes */
document.getElementById('root')//the word document has parsing error

Parsing error: Unexpected token, expected "," react

useEffect(() => {
db.collection['posts'].onSnapshot(snapshot => (
setPosts( => ({ id:, data: })))
}, []);

What's the error in the code . Line 51:8: Parsing error: Unexpected token, expected "{"

You have to use the syntax where use export before function App3().
Like this:

export function App3() {

Alternatively you can use this syntax:

export { App3 };

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