Windownibname Error in Swift/Cocoa

windowNibName error in Swift / Cocoa?

Now type of windowNibName replace to struct from String.

You can check more details here.
To fix error you can use below code :

class MainWindowController: NSWindowController {

override var windowNibName: NSNib.Name? {
return NSNib.Name("MainWindowController")

If -initWithWindowNibPath:owner: was used to initialize the instance, this gives the last path component with its extension
stripped off. If -initWithWindowNibName:[owner:] was used this just
gives that name.

    open var windowNibName: NSNib.Name? { get }

How can I pass NSNib.Name to a window controller in Swift/Cocoa

You are mixing up lowercase and uppercase notation. If you are using the same name for class and variable be careful how to write it, case sensitivity matters.

To initialize a class you have to use the uppercase name.

self.mainWindowController = MainWindowController()
mainWindowController?.showWindow( self )

How to initialize a NSWindowController in Swift?

NSWindowController has 2 designated initializers:

init(window: NSWindow!)
init(coder: NSCoder!)

When creating a subclass, you should invoke the designated initializer of its superclass. Recent versions of Xcode enforce this. Either via built-in language mechanism (Swift) or via NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER macro (Objective-C).

Swift additionally requires that you call the superclasses designated initializer when you override a convenience initializer.

From the "Initialization: Designated Initializers and Convenience Initializers" section of Swift Programming Guide:

If the initializer you are overriding is a convenience initializer,
your override must call another designated initializer from its own
subclass, as per the rules described above in Initializer Chaining.

In your case, you should probably override init(window: NSWindow!) and call super's counterpart from there.

What is the correct way to initialize a NSWindowController object in Swift?

  1. myThing = Thing() can be placed where the property is declared
  2. You should call super.init
  3. You'll also need to implement init?(coder: NSCoder), Xcode will happily insert a template for this
  4. Most likely you'll need another initializer that will load the nib:

Something like this:

class MainWindowController: NSWindowController {

// the type of myThing will be inferred by the compiler
let myThing = Thing()

init() {
super.init(window: nil)
// load the contents of the nib, and set the owner as self, which connects the oultlets
NSBundle.mainBundle().loadNibNamed("nibText", owner: self, topLevelObjects: nil)

// you might no longer need this intializer
override init(window: NSWindow!) {
super.init( window: window )

// ...

Programmatic window creation in -[NSWindowController loadWindow] not working

as @Willeke points out, loadWindow will only be called for nib

but since you're calling showWindow, you could override that

import Cocoa

class MainWindowController: NSWindowController {
override func loadWindow() {

override func showWindow(_ sender: Any?) {
self.window = NSWindow(contentRect: NSMakeRect(100, 100, 100, 100), styleMask: [.titled, .resizable, .miniaturizable, .closable], backing: .buffered, defer: false)

class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
var mwc: MainWindowController!

func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) {
self.mwc = MainWindowController(window: nil)

static func main() {
let app = NSApplication.shared
let delegate = AppDelegate()
app.delegate = delegate
app.activate(ignoringOtherApps: true)

Create NSWindow from nib name

It's bug, I think.

Create your own init method and load xib file yourself, like this:

class MyWindowController: NSWindowController {

init() {
super.init(window: nil)

/* Load window from xib file */
NSBundle.mainBundle().loadNibNamed("MyWindow", owner: self, topLevelObjects: nil)


Correct way to create nswindow, using Swift and Cocoa

This might a be a job for lazy

class AppDelegate : NSApplicationDelegate {
lazy var windowController = WindowTestController(windowNibName: "Window")

@IBAction func buttonClicked(sender : AnyObject) {

self.windowController will be neither allocated nor nil until you attempt to call it, at which time it will be inited. But not until that time.

Swift modal sheet: willPositionSheet does doesn't get called

2 things.

First: Your view controller view's window property likely won't be nonnil until viewDidAppear() (you can verify by debugging with breakpoints whether the window is nonnil). So make sure that the delegate is actually set on the window. I'd also note that you might want to try leaving the window delegate tied to the window's controller object or a distinct window delegate object that is not owned by the view controller. The view controller is sort of an odd place to put this logic.

Second: Presenting a window that is owned by an NSWindowController doesn't seem to get these callbacks for some reason (I tested with just passing a standard NSWindow object and the delegate received the willPositionSheet call). Not sure why this is the case, but something with how these windows are setup I guess. With that said, you can try using the newer (10.10) NSViewController presentation APIs to make your life easier. I would try presenting an NSViewController using NSViewController's presentViewControllerAsSheet(_:).

So in summary you could have something like:

override func viewDidAppear() {
self.view.window?.delegate = self

and for presenting:

let vc = SheetViewController() // Note this is a view controller, not window controller

Hopefully that helps a bit.

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