Uitableview Only Displays One Section

UITableView only displays one section

You made a mistake, wrong method. Let change numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView:) to:

func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
return self.section.count

UITableView with multiple sections shows only one section

You don't have a break after you set the count for section 1 and it falls through and is set to zero.

    case 1:
NSLog(@"section called"); // This line is logged
count = 1;
break; // always put break!

UITableview displays only 1 section





why can I only present my first section in TableView Swift ?

You haven't implemented the numberOfSections data source method.

func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
return sectionTitles.count

Without this, the table assumes 1 section.

UITableView showing only one cell

Although I like Dhaval D approach more than what I did in a recent project, mainly the observer on table content size, here is what I did under a time crunch.

Table view is in a container view. Container view has a height constraint on it. Table view is pinned on all sides to Container view. Anytime tableview data changes, I called

func updateTableSize() {

var tableFrame = tableView.frame
tableFrame.size.height = tableView.contentSize.height
tableFrame.size.width = tableView.contentSize.width
tableView.frame = tableFrame
heightConstraint.constant = tableFrame.size.height

Is it possible to scroll only one section of a UITableview and disable others?

You can do that by composing two independent UITableViews together.

The first one displays your first section and has a fixed frame height. Inside this UITableView scrolling will be enabled and possible just as usual.

Below that UITableView, simply add another one. You can do this e.g. in the storyboard by constraining them to each another (first one's bottom equals second one's top). That second UITableView will display the two remaining sections and you can set a flag to disable scrolling and there you are!

One problem I see is that (especially on smaller devices) there might not be enough space left in the second UITableView to display the entire content. A workaround for that could be to constraint the upper UITableView to a height that equals exactly the view's total height minus The content size of the second UITableView. You would have to do that programmatically, though.

I hope you get the idea, if not just let me know and I will try to provide screenshots.

-- EDIT --

Maybe I got your question wrong. If you want to have the middle section scrollable you could either use the same approach but with even three UITableViews or consider adding simple UIViews above and below the UITableView. You would have to move the content out of your UITableViewCells to these views, then.

Another idea that comes to my mind are UITableViewHeaderFooterViews. You can queue whatever UIView you want to have sticky above a section as a UITableViewHeaderFooterView.

As you can see, there's even plenty of options there :)

Show a table view footer on only one section

Are you also returning nil for your viewForFooter method in the other sections?

We will likely need to know how you check if a section has an addToCart button... but here's my guess:

- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView*)tableView heightForFooterInSection:(NSInteger)section {
if (self.isOpen && [self hasCartForSection:section]) {
return 35.0;
else {
// One table view style will not allow 0 value for some reason
return 0.00001;

- (UIView*)tableView:(UITableView*)tableView viewForFooterInSection:(NSInteger)section {
if (self.isOpen && [self hasCartForSection:section]) {
UIView *footerView = [UIView.alloc init];

// Build your footer

return footerView;

return nil;

- (BOOL)hasCartForSection:(int)section {
BOOL someCondition = NO;

// Do your check

if (someCondition) {
return YES;

return NO;

Custom UITableViewCell only displays one UILabel, even though there are two on storyboard

Most probably you don't have enough room to fit both labels. You can either set the row height in storyboard by:

  1. Selecting your tableview
  2. Go to size inspector
  3. Change the Row Height

Change row height


You can implement tableView(_:heightForRowAt:) method in your tableView's delegate. i.e.

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat {
// return desired height for your cell
return 90.0

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