Why Is My Libraries Not Able to Expand on The Cocoapods and Shows as Objective-C Not Swift

Why is my libraries not able to expand on the CocoaPods and shows as Objective-c not Swift?

Depending on how many pods are coming in at once it can take anywhere from 5m to 1hr to get all the data setup for CocoaPods.org's expanded view. When I checked today it was up and running for NextResponderTextField.

That said, there was a bug that may have stopped the parsing for a few days, but I've gone over all Pods since then.

Why is my library not able to expand on the CocoaPods website?

You should now be good, http://cocoapods.org/pods/MKWeatherUndergroundKit

The problem was that our CocoaDocs server was down, I've manually redeployed your version and am taking a look at the minute.

I've also wrote up an article on my blog post with a lot of useful tips: http://orta.io/rebase/why-cant-i-expand/

Can't expand Cocoapod on CocoaPods website

About 5 days later, the Expand option now displays and CocoaDocs have been generated. I don't think this was because of a change I made, rather I think it was because of something updating on Cocoapods.org's servers. Works great now!

Can't use Objective-C Pod Framework in Swift 2 project (Use of undeclared type 'SMPageControl')

Finally got it to work, it turns out that I was actually missing something.

Along with all steps above, it's needed to import the framework at the top of the Swift file:

import SMPageControl

Since Xcode was not providing any autocomplete I thought it wouldn't be possible to do that. Once I added the import statement, the project compiled successfully and I was able to use SMPageControl() class.

Can't expand Cocoapod on CocoaPods website

About 5 days later, the Expand option now displays and CocoaDocs have been generated. I don't think this was because of a change I made, rather I think it was because of something updating on Cocoapods.org's servers. Works great now!

problem integrating ObjC pod into a Swift framework

The common way to use objective-c code in swift is using bridging headers, take a look at this:

Importing Objective-C into Swift

you need to create a bridging header and add it to your project then inside the .h file you created simply add :

#import <Lottie/Lottie.h>

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