Get Output Frames Failed, State 8196

SSL_ERROR_SSL(1): operation failed within the library


I assume spotifyRequest will be called on the main thread.

So if the main thread reaches the line


and this line of responseJSON completionHandler was not called yet:


then the main thread is blocked due to the call of group.wait() above.
Due to the blocked main thread group.leave() can't be called. Classical deadlock.


Setting a breakpoint to the line

if let safeStatus = status {

shows that this line is never called.

Minimal Example that is running

As a starting point here the code for a minimal example that delivers a result.

import UIKit
import Alamofire

class ViewController: UIViewController {

override func viewDidLoad() {

self.contactSpotify {
print ("result: \(String(describing: $0)) error: \(String(describing: $1))")

func contactSpotify(completion: @escaping ([String: Any]?, Error?) -> Void) {
let url = URL(string: "")!
method: .post,
parameters: ["grant_type": "refresh_token",
"client_id": "<someClientId>",
"refresh_token": "<someRefreshToken>",
"client_secret": "<someClientSecret>"])
.responseJSON { response in
guard response.result.isSuccess else {
completion(nil, response.result.error)

completion(response.result.value as? [String: Any], nil)


This gives as output in the console:

result: Optional(["access_token": XXX, "scope": user-read-email user-read-private, "token_type": Bearer, "expires_in": 3600]) error: nil

see Screenshot:
console output

ATS Settings in info.plist

Spotify offers a valid TLS certificate chain on their server. So there is no need for ATS settings in info.plist.

SSL Warnings in Console

I get the same SSL warnings in the console when I run the application on an iOS 12 simulator like you. Nonetheless the connection is established and the request delivers data. Perhaps this is gone in one of the next betas.

React Native crashes on react-native run-ios

1: If you have pod installed, Make sure you check all your libraries.You likely have some issue with an installed external library.
and make sure you run pod install and delete node_modules folder and then run npm install again (close the packager too)

2: You can also use sentry or any other crash reporting library to detect crashes, It will give you the exact line number.(Make sure you install the react-native version).

3: Sometimes the crash reporting libraries won't work, the reason can be that the crash occurs before the js bundle is loaded and because of that, the library is not yet initialised and it can't detect the crash. If so you can install a native crash reporting library, You can use fabric for that, or even bugsnag.

4: Even if these 3 steps don't work, Sometimes due to some problem in certificates the app can crash on startup, and sometimes the app can work for few days and then crash suddenly, If this behaviour occurs. Make sure your certificates are generated correctly.

These are the few scenarios where this kind of crash occurs. Usually its the first one

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