Convert from Nsdictionary to [String:Any]

Convert from NSDictionary to [String:Any?]

Hope this helps:

let dict = NSDictionary()
var anyDict = [String: Any?]()

for (value, key) in dict {
anyDict[key as! String] = value

convert NSDictionary to NSString

You can call [aDictionary description], or anywhere you would need a format string, just use %@ to stand in for the dictionary:

[NSString stringWithFormat:@"my dictionary is %@", aDictionary];


NSLog(@"My dictionary is %@", aDictionary);

How to convert NSDictionary to NSString which contains json of NSDictionary in Swift?

You can use the following code:

var error: NSError?
var dict: NSDictionary = [
"1": 1,
"2": "Two",
"3": false

let data = NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(dict, options: NSJSONWritingOptions.PrettyPrinted, error: &error)

if let data = data {
let json = NSString(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
if let json = json {

Given a NSDictionary, it is serialized as NSData, then converted to NSString.

The code doing the conversion can also be rewritten more concisely as:

Swift 3:

    do {
let jsonData = try data)
if let json = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) {
} catch {
print("something went wrong with parsing json")

Original answer:

if let data = NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(dict, options: NSJSONWritingOptions.PrettyPrinted, error: &error) {
if let json = NSString(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) {

Note that in order for the serialization to work the dictionary must contain valid JSON keys and values.

How do I convert NSDictionary to Dictionary?

  • NSDictionary in Objective-C has always non-optional values.
  • AnyObject has become Any in Swift 3.
  • Considering the first two "rules" NSDictionary can be bridge cast to Dictionary

let post_paramsValue = post_params as Dictionary<String,Any>

If the source NSDictionary is an optional you might use as Dictionary<String,Any>? or as? Dictionary<String,Any> or as! Dictionary<String,Any> or as Dictionary<String,Any>! depending on the actual type of the NSDictionary

How do I convert swift Dictionary to NSDictionary

You have to cast it like this:

let dict = parcelDict as NSDictionary

Otherwise the Swift Dictionary and NSDictionary are treated almost the same way when using it in methods for ex:

func test(dict: NSDictionary) {}

let dict = ["Test":1]

Will work completely fine.

After your update

If you change your Dictionary value type to non optional String then your error will go away.

[String:String?] change to -> [String:String]

Swift NSDictionary JSON Array to String Convert Time consuming

You don't need to convert your JSON data to String, and you certainly shouldn't ever process the JSON string itself anyway.

To save your dictionary as JSON, just convert the dictionary to JSON data then save the data:

let jsonData = try NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(yourDictionary, options: [])
// save `jsonData` in your SQL

Here jsonData is your JSON data. This is what you need to save. Nothing else.

You can save this in an SQL table by saving it as blob (a chunk of data) instead of String.

Then to get it back:

let jsonData = // get the blob from SQL
if let json = try? NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(jsonData, options: []),
let dict = json as? [String: AnyObject]
// here `dict` is your dictionary converted from JSON data

See? No need for converting the JSON data to or from String.

Last suggestion: don't use NSDictionary and NSArray. Instead, use Swift arrays and Swift dictionaries. It's easier and safer.

Cannot subscript a value of type NSDictionary with an index of type String. While converting from Swift 2.3 - 3.2

Use native types

if let dataToProcess = dict["data"] as? [String:Any],
let productDataRecord = dataToProcess["productDataRecord"] as? [String:Any],
let module = productDataRecord["module"] as? [[String:Any]] {
for value in module {
if let cpmChild = value["cem:canadaExtensionModule"] as? [String:Any],
let tempDict = cpmChild["retailPackSize"] as? [String:Any],
let myValue = tempDict["value"] as? String {
productToReturn.planoRetailPackSize = myValue

Note : In the for loop myValue will overwrite planoRetailPackSize in each iteration. This is most likely not intended.

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