Using UIdropinteractiondelegate and Movies

iOS11 How to handle a custom file dropped in a custom view

I admit, it's not straightforward :

  • you can list all the UIDragItems dragged by the user in the UIDropSession items member
  • each of these items have a NSItemProvider itemProvider member
  • this item provider has an optional String? suggestedName member that may not be nil

A simple loop to print all the session's items suggested names :

for item in session.items {
if let name = item.itemProvider.suggestedName {

Practically, when files come from the File app it will provide the name of the file without its extension, but given you can easily access its UTI, you can append an extension that will be close to the original one (jpeg instead of jpg for example).

Detect user dragging items out of UICollectionView?

Here is a helper class that I've been working on that does just that: implementation:, hope it helps. There's examples on how to use it in the TestApp.


About a year on, this is now a full-on drag-and-drop framework. Hope this proves useful:

What are MVP and MVC and what is the difference?


In MVP, the Presenter contains the UI business logic for the View. All invocations from the View delegate directly to the Presenter. The Presenter is also decoupled directly from the View and talks to it through an interface. This is to allow mocking of the View in a unit test. One common attribute of MVP is that there has to be a lot of two-way dispatching. For example, when someone clicks the "Save" button, the event handler delegates to the Presenter's "OnSave" method. Once the save is completed, the Presenter will then call back the View through its interface so that the View can display that the save has completed.

MVP tends to be a very natural pattern for achieving separated presentation in WebForms. The reason is that the View is always created first by the ASP.NET runtime. You can find out more about both variants.

Two primary variations

Passive View: The View is as dumb as possible and contains almost zero logic. A Presenter is a middle man that talks to the View and the Model. The View and Model are completely shielded from one another. The Model may raise events, but the Presenter subscribes to them for updating the View. In Passive View there is no direct data binding, instead, the View exposes setter properties that the Presenter uses to set the data. All state is managed in the Presenter and not the View.

  • Pro: maximum testability surface; clean separation of the View and Model
  • Con: more work (for example all the setter properties) as you are doing all the data binding yourself.

Supervising Controller: The Presenter handles user gestures. The View binds to the Model directly through data binding. In this case, it's the Presenter's job to pass off the Model to the View so that it can bind to it. The Presenter will also contain logic for gestures like pressing a button, navigation, etc.

  • Pro: by leveraging data binding the amount of code is reduced.
  • Con: there's a less testable surface (because of data binding), and there's less encapsulation in the View since it talks directly to the Model.


In the MVC, the Controller is responsible for determining which View to display in response to any action including when the application loads. This differs from MVP where actions route through the View to the Presenter. In MVC, every action in the View correlates with a call to a Controller along with an action. In the web, each action involves a call to a URL on the other side of which there is a Controller who responds. Once that Controller has completed its processing, it will return the correct View. The sequence continues in that manner throughout the life of the application:

Action in the View
-> Call to Controller
-> Controller Logic
-> Controller returns the View.

One other big difference about MVC is that the View does not directly bind to the Model. The view simply renders and is completely stateless. In implementations of MVC, the View usually will not have any logic in the code behind. This is contrary to MVP where it is absolutely necessary because, if the View does not delegate to the Presenter, it will never get called.

Presentation Model

One other pattern to look at is the Presentation Model pattern. In this pattern, there is no Presenter. Instead, the View binds directly to a Presentation Model. The Presentation Model is a Model crafted specifically for the View. This means this Model can expose properties that one would never put on a domain model as it would be a violation of separation-of-concerns. In this case, the Presentation Model binds to the domain model and may subscribe to events coming from that Model. The View then subscribes to events coming from the Presentation Model and updates itself accordingly. The Presentation Model can expose commands which the view uses for invoking actions. The advantage of this approach is that you can essentially remove the code-behind altogether as the PM completely encapsulates all of the behavior for the view. This pattern is a very strong candidate for use in WPF applications and is also called Model-View-ViewModel.

There is a MSDN article about the Presentation Model and a section in the Composite Application Guidance for WPF (former Prism) about Separated Presentation Patterns

Block until NSAlert (shown as a modal sheet) is dismissed

You must start a modal session for you sheet after showing it and stop the session after closing sheet.

Check this:, I think it will be helpfull.

E2E mock $httpBackend doesn't actually passThrough for me

The following is an explanation of the purpose of the $httpBackend that is in the ngMockE2E module.

The ngMockE2E module is simply not designed nor intended to be used from within a jasmine specification.

When doing end-to-end testing there are two sides to the test. One is the angular application that is being tested, the other is the angular-scenario code that lives in the Jasmine Specification.

Under E2E tests there are no angular module, or ng-mocks, or anything angular-related on the jasmine side of things (other than the scenario runner).

The ngMocksE2E module is designed to be used on the "server" side of things where the actual angular application is executing. It's main purpose is to enable us to pre-can responses so that integration-level UI testing can proceed much quicker than if each page actually went to the server for JSON.

When using jasmine along with ng-mocks, angular will always replace the $httpBackend with the mock backend. When adding the ngMocksE2E module it will not be able to get ahold of any "real" $httpBackend and as you have already found out, will just wrap the mock and delegate to it on the pass-through.

It would seem that the kind of test you are trying to write is a test that doesn't test the UI integration, but tests the application javascript and server integration.

This is perfectly legitimate style of testing (referred to some as 'midwayTesting' in the angular community). Your problem is you are using the wrong tool.

I would take a look at this:

Which you would use instead of angular-mocks and angular.module() in order to facilitate the kind of testing I'm assuming you want to do.

You can read more about it here:

(apologies if you have already been linked there)

EDIT: (To address additional comments in question)

You have a real beef in that the documentation is not clear that ngMockE2E cannot be used on the client (i.e. karma/jasmine) side of an end-to-end testing setup. It is not unreasonable to interpret things like you have interpreted them, but it doesn't change the fact that the interpretation is wrong.

The ngMockE2E will pass through requests if instructed when used on the server side of an application rather than on the client side. This is meant so that you can still pass through certain requests that are hard to mock as pre-canned responses. What I mean by client and server-side is that in end-to-end testing there are two ends. You have the application to be tested which is served by a standard application server, and you have the test code that is driving the application usually executing in Karma or another test runner, which uses standard HTTP requests to communicate to the application which is executing in another process.

If you look at the documentation and how to setup ngMockE2E you will notice there is no mention of Jasmine, and the instructions are for how to set up in a real angular application:

myAppDev = angular.module('myAppDev', ['myApp', 'ngMockE2E']);$httpBackend) {
phones = [{name: 'phone1'}, {name: 'phone2'}];

// returns the current list of phones

// adds a new phone to the phones array
$httpBackend.whenPOST('/phones').respond(function(method, url, data) {

As you can see in this example, they are mocking all the JSON data instructions, while letting it still fetch the templates from the server.

In order to use it from jasmine the setup would be quite different, using angular.mock.module('ngMockE2E') and then setting up the $httpBackend.whenGET() in a beforeEach() rather than in a

As far as ngMidwayTester I linked you to, I believe this would, in fact, be compatible with ngMockE2E. Essentially ngMidwayTester replaces angular.mock.module() and inject() with it's own implementations. So you could use it like this:

tester = ngMidwayTester('app', 'ngMockE2E');
$http = tester.inject('$http');
$httpBackend = tester.inject('$httpBackend');
$rootScope = tester.inject('$rootScope');

This should work, because you are no longer using the ngMock module (which always gets included when you use angular.mock.module()). Things should work exactly like you want them to using ngMidwayTester.

How do I program a flash effect when updating text boxes in a windows form with C#?

You could spin off a seperate thread per flashing textbox as to not block your form from being used during the flashing of your textbox(s). Be sure to invoke your form as spinning of the thread will require cross threading. Full solution below.

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// textBox1 is the control on your form.
// 1000 is the total interval between flashes
// Color.LightBlue is the flash color
// 10 is the number of flashes before the thread quits.
Flash(textBox1, 1000,Color.LightBlue,10);
Flash(textBox2, 1500,Color.Green,10);
Flash(textBox3, 100,Color.Red,10);
Flash(textBox4, 500,Color.Brown,10);
Flash(textBox5, 200,Color.Pink,10);

public void Flash(TextBox textBox, int interval, Color color, int flashes)
new Thread(() => FlashInternal(textBox, interval, color, flashes)).Start();

private delegate void UpdateTextboxDelegate(TextBox textBox, Color originalColor);
public void UpdateTextbox(TextBox textBox, Color color)
if (textBox.InvokeRequired)
this.Invoke(new UpdateTextboxDelegate(UpdateTextbox), new object[] { textBox, color });
textBox.BackColor = color;

private void FlashInternal(TextBox textBox, int interval, Color flashColor, int flashes)
Color original = textBox.BackColor;
for (int i = 0; i < flashes; i++)

UpdateTextbox(textBox, flashColor);
UpdateTextbox(textBox, original);

This avoids having to put supporting timer controls on your form.

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