Using Foreach with a String Array - [String] Has No Member 'Identified'

Using ForEach with a string array - [String] has no member 'identified'

ForEach syntax changed a little bit in Beta 5.

Have you tried:

ForEach(state.modes, id: \.self) { mode in

SwiftUI - ForEach - Type '_' has no member 'name'

First of all your model needs to be modifiable (so used var instead of let)

struct StatisticItem: Codable {
var name: String
var startValue: Int
var modifier: Int

Second, TextField requires Binding, so it should be like below

ForEach(Array(statistics.statList.enumerated()), id:\ { (i, stat) in
TextField("", text: self.$statistics.statList[i].name)

SwiftUI - Value of type '[Color]' has no member 'identified'

For Xcode 11 Beta 5 and above, use:

ForEach(colors, id: \.self)

For Xcode 11 Beta 4 and below use:

ForEach(colors.identified(by: \.self))

forEach method is not work with string (character array)

Without conversion to array, You can use .call to call a array method prototype on a string

<p id="show"></p>
var name = "Raktim";
var str = "";, foo);//use array's forEach on a string
function foo(value)
str += " " + value;
document.getElementById("show").innerHTML = str

SwiftUI value of type [x] has no member [y], but the struct has the member

You can't do remedydata?.remedy.content.screens.elements since remedydata?.remedy.content.screens is an Array. In the question, you have multiple Element inside multiple Screen, which means you have two options:

  • Display each Element for a specific Screen.
  • Display a specific Element for each Screen.

To "Display each Element for a specific Screen":

ForEach(remedydata?.remedy.content.screens.first?.elements ?? []) { element in

To "Display a specific Element for each Screen":

ForEach(remedydata?.remedy.content.screens ?? []) { screen in
Text(screen.elements.first?.text ?? "")

Why do I get error when I use ForEach in Xcode 11 Beta 5?

The elements in the collection you pass as the first argument of ForEach must conform to Identifiable, or you must use a different initializer to specify the KeyPath of the id on your elements. For example, the following code does not compile:

struct MyModel {
let name: String

struct ContentView: View {
let models: [MyModel]

var body: some View {
ForEach(models) { model in

The models array does not satisfy the requirements of the ForEach initializer, namely, its elements do not conform to Identifiable. I can solve this in one of two ways:

1.) Extend MyModel to conform to Identifiable:

extension MyModel: Identifiable {
// assuming `name` is unique, it can be used as our identifier
var id: String { name }

2.) Use the convenience initializer on ForEach that allows you to specify a KeyPath to your identifier:

var body: some View {
ForEach(models, id: \.name) { model in

How to make a SwiftUI Foreach shows only items that has an extra parameter

It can be also done with filtered array

ForEach(peoplesViewModel.users.filter { $0.featuredact != nil }) { users in
PeepsGridView(userInfo: users)

.identified(by:) Deprecated?

.identified(by:) is deprecated. As you correctly stated, this is not noted in the release notes for Xcode beta, but in the release notes for iOS beta, which is why you couldn't find it. It's a little confusing because the changes relating to SwiftUI are scattered across the release notes for iOS 13 beta, Xcode 11 beta, and macOS Catalina beta.

The identified(by:) method on the Collection protocol is deprecated in
favor of dedicated init(:id:selection:rowContent:) and
:id:content:) initializers. (52976883, 52029393)

But the identified(by:) deprecation happened in beta 4, so the following also applies:

SwiftUI APIs deprecated in previous betas are now removed. (52587863)

This question is sort of a duplicate of SwiftUI ForEach 'identified(by:)' is deprecated. Use ForEach(_:id:) or List(_:id:), but the confusion around where the deprecation is mentioned in the release notes merits keeping it as a separate question.

Swift Accidental Infinite ForEach Loop

Your incrementIndex() function updates the variable @State var index. This will cause the view to re-render and in turn call the incrementIndex() again. This causes the infinite loop.

Currently, you are not using the function parameter ForEach supplies, but instead discard it by naming it _. Instead of an index, I'd suggest using the value ForEach already supplies:

ForEach(places.allPlaces, id: \.self) { place in

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