Animate an Skspritenode with Textures That Have a Size Different from the Original

SkSpritenode normal texture not restoring even with restore on?

Suggested Solutions

Try setting your sprite to the last texture in the atlas like this: theSprite.texture = atlas[atlas.count-1]. Then run your code again. You should see that it restores to back to atlas[atlas.count-1].

If your animation stops at a texture other than your last atlas texture, then you could try this. Set theSprite.texture = atlas[atlas.count-1] within your animation's completion block. You would also set restore to false in this case. This will animate your sprite then set the final texture to whatever you want, in this case it will be set to the last atlas texture.


Restore will return your sprite back to the texture that it had before the animation began. So in your case with your current code, it should end the animation with the texture atlas[0]. It is not meant to end on the last frame of the array as you stated.

According to the Apple dev reference, if restore is true:

When the action completes, the sprite’s texture is restored to the
texture it had before the action completed.

Tell iOS to not resize SKNode animated texture?

Create a child node with the textures and the animation. Call node.addChild(textureNode) to make it a child. Then run the action on that child node, which will always be in the same position as node, but not change node's size. Something like this:

let node = SKSpriteNode()
node.size = size; //from func argument
// Create texture node to hold the texture
let textureNode = SKSpriteNode(texture: nodeTextures[0])
(nodeTextures, timePerFrame: 0.05, resize: false, restore: false)))

This allows you to adjust node's size later without rescaling the images in textureNode.

changing texture of a skspritenode without changing size

Use SKAction.setTexture(bomba3) instead of SKAction.setTexture(bomba3, resize: false)).

SKSpriteNode animation where each frame in the animation is not centered

You should be able to try also:

Sample Image

Focus your attention to resize = true
If true, the sprite is resized to match each new texture. If false, the size of the sprite remains at a constant size.

If you need more official details take a look here.

About your request to the comments below you can re-create SKAction.animate for example make an extension like this:

extension SKAction
static func animate(withMyTextures textures:[texture:SKTexture], timePerFrame:TimeInterval ,resize:Bool, restore:Bool) ->SKAction {

var originalTexture : SKTexture!
let duration = timePerFrame * Double(textures.count)

return SKAction.customAction(withDuration: duration)
node,elapsedTime in
guard let spriteNode = node as? SKSpriteNode
assert(false,"animateWithMyTextures only works on members of SKSpriteNode")
let index = Int((elapsedTime / CGFloat(duration)) * CGFloat(textures.count))
//If we havent assigned this yet, lets assign it now
if originalTexture == nil
originalTexture = spriteNode.texture
if(index < textures.count)
spriteNode.texture = textures[index].texture
else if(restore)
spriteNode.texture = originalTexture
spriteNode.size = spriteNode.texture!.size()

How to resize a sprite after changing it's texture

Looks like the texture bug is back, but only sometimes depending on how you do your assets folder. I was playing around with this in Xcode 8.3.3 and was able to get it both working and not working depending on how it got configured. Looks like it is broken in Xcode 9 as well. As a work around, do node.size = node.texture!.size() after you assign your node a new texture. Note: node is the name of the sprite you want to change in size.

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