Unwind Segue Not Triggering

Unwind segue not working

If you read the tutorial carefully you will see that the unwind method needs to be in the UIViewController that you are unwinding to - from the tutorial -

An unwind segue is created by adding an action method to the
destination view controller (the view controller you want to unwind


Because you want to unwind back to XYZToDoListTableViewController, you need to add an action method with this format to the XYZToDoListTableViewController interface and implementation.

So, you should create your unwindToList method in the table view controller, not in the add view controller.

unwind segue Xcode 10 swift with navigation controller not working

From your comments, I'm guessing that the problem is that there is no FavouritesTableViewController in the view controller hierarchy at the time that the Save button is pressed. You cannot unwind to something that isn't already present: "unwind" means go back to something that was instantiated earlier and remains present, above the current view controller in the view controller hierarchy.

For example, let's say we have

UINavigationController -> (root view controller) -> FavouritesTableViewController
-> (push) ExplorationResultViewController

Now we can unwind from the Exploration controller to the Favourites controller, because the Favorites controller is already in the hierarchy before the Exploration controller. It sounds like maybe you are not appreciating that fact.

Unwind of custom segue not triggered

I got your example to work like this. ViewController is the first view controller; ViewController2 is the second view controller:

class ViewController: UIViewController {
@IBAction func unwindToFeed(_ segue: UIStoryboardSegue) {
let child = self.childViewControllers[0]
child.willMove(toParentViewController: nil)

class MySegue: UIStoryboardSegue {
override func perform() {
let sourceVC = self.source as! ViewController
let destinationVC = self.destination as! ViewController2
destinationVC.view.frame = sourceVC.view.bounds
destinationVC.view.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleHeight, .flexibleWidth]
destinationVC.didMove(toParentViewController: sourceVC)

class ViewController2 : UIViewController {

Note that unwindToFeed is (and must be) in the first view controller. It is meaningless to put it in the second view controller, as the second view controller is the source, not the destination, of the unwind.

Now I'd like to make some comments about the problem and my answer:

  • This is an iOS 10 example. segueForUnwinding will never be called in iOS 10; it was abandoned after iOS 8 and was subsequently deprecated.

  • The iOS 9/10 equivalent of segueForUnwinding is unwind(for:towardsViewController:). I did try implementing it, but I found that it was called in ViewController2, not in ViewController. I regard that as a bug in iOS 10, and am reporting it to Apple.

Swift 4 Unwind segue not working on navigation controller

Add this unwind to your RSVP controller:

@IBAction func unwindToThisViewController(segue: UIStoryboardSegue) {
print("IM BACK")

Then control + drag the button in your detail controller up to the exit and select the method: unwindToThisViewController

Just tested this on xcode swift 4 and it should work

I'm not sure why, but when I "overrode" unwind, it didn't work for me either, so I set up my own ibaction

Why is interface builder not showing my unwind segue?

To re-iterate: not only an Action for a Storyboard Unwind Segue has to be placed in the same source file as class definition for an unwind-to (destination) View Controller (e.g., @IBAction func prepareForUnwind(segue: UIStoryboardSegue), detected as prepareForUnwind[With]Segue in a "Presenting Segues" list), but also that View Controller cannot have ANY extensions in ANY secondary source files. You have to merge class definition and all extensions into a single source file.

(As of Xcode 8.2.1.)

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