How to Compare Result to .Succeed in Swift

How to compare Result to .succeed in swift

You can use pattern matching in if statement with case like this:

if case .success = result {

In Swift, Where does Never declare that it conform to Error?

Conformance of Never to the Error protocol was added in the course of implementing

  • SE-0215 Conform Never to Equatable and Hashable

in Swift 5. From the Rationale:

For the same reasons conformances to Hashable and Equatable are being added to Never, the Core Team felt that conformances to Error and Comparable should also be added to Never as part of accepting this proposal. Both of these additional protocol conformances were brought up during the review.

As Leo pointed out, the implementation can be found in Policy.swift:

public enum Never {}

extension Never: Error {}

extension Never: Equatable, Comparable, Hashable {}

Running actions after file stream in Vapor 4

As of a recent release of Vapor, there is now an optional handler that you can use to preform actions on success / failure of download.

let response = request.fileio.streamFile(at: somepath) { result in
switch result {
case .success(): //do success processing
case .failure(let error): // do failure processing and can print(error)

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