Split Paragraphs into Sentences

How can I split a text into sentences?

The Natural Language Toolkit (nltk.org) has what you need. This group posting indicates this does it:

import nltk.data

tokenizer = nltk.data.load('tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle')
fp = open("test.txt")
data = fp.read()
print '\n-----\n'.join(tokenizer.tokenize(data))

(I haven't tried it!)

Splitting paragraph into sentences

It is not regex for direct split, but kind of workaround:



You can replace matched fragment with for example: $1# (or other char not occuring in text, instead of #), and then split it with # DEMO.
However it is not too elegant solution.

Split Paragraph Document into Sentences

For MySQL 8.0, you can use a recursive CTE, given its limitations.

recursive r as (
1 id,
Paragraph, '[^.!?]+(?:[.!?]+|$)'
) as char(256)) sentences,
id doc_id, Title, Paragraph
from master_data
union all
select id + 1,
Paragraph, '[^.!?]+(?:[.!?]+|$)',
1, id + 1
doc_id, Title, Paragraph
from r
where sentences is not null
select id, sentences, doc_id, Title
from r
where sentences is not null or id = 1
order by doc_id, id;


| id |       sentences       | doc_id | Title  |
| 1 | I want. | 1 | asds.. |
| 2 | Some. | 1 | asds.. |
| 3 | Coconut and Banana !! | 1 | asds.. |
| 1 | Milkshake? | 2 | wad... |
| 2 | some Nice milk. | 2 | wad... |
| 1 | bar | 3 | foo |

Demo on DB Fiddle.

Split text into smaller paragraphs of a minimal length without breaking the sentences given a threshold

IIUC, you want to split the text on dot, but try to keep a minimal length of the chunks to avoid having very short sentences.

What you can do is to split on the dots and join again until you reach a threshold (here 200 characters):

out = []
threshold = 200
for chunk in text.split('. '):
if out and len(chunk)+len(out[-1]) < threshold:
out[-1] += ' '+chunk+'.'


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Python - RegEx for splitting text into sentences (sentence-tokenizing)


Try this. split your string this.You can also check demo.


Split paragraph into sentences with Python3

This is very likely better handled with nltk (having installed it correctly, that is):

from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize

string = "This is a sentence. This is another. And here one another, same line, starting with space. this sentence starts with lowercase letter. Here is a site you may know: google.com."

sent_tokenize_list = sent_tokenize(string)
# ['This is a sentence.', 'This is another.', 'And here one another, same line, starting with space.', 'this sentence starts with lowercase letter.', 'Here is a site you may know: google.com.']

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