Skip/Disable Force_Ssl for Particular Controller in Rails

skip/disable force_ssl for particular controller in rails

skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token
force_ssl except: [:index,:create]

Its worked for me.

Disable force_ssl for specific controllers in Rails 5

You're using the global configuration method. This ensures ssl on every controller and every action. Switch to controller based forcing.

You can either add it to every controller you want it in, or add it to the application controller and turn it off based on the controller/action combo, i like a case statement because it allows multiple options, but you can do what works best for your app.

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
force_ssl unless: :no_ssl?

def no_ssl?
case "#{params[:controller]} #{params[:action]}"
when "parents index"
return false
return false

Rails force ssl only on specified controllers

You can do this with constraints in routes.rb:

resource :account, :constraints => { :protocol => "https", :subdomain => "secure" }

Also, if you have many secure routes, and you want to DRY things up, you can create a scope for your secure routes:

scope :constraints => { :protocol => "https", :subdomain => "secure" } do

...[secure routes]...


Rails 3.2 force_ssl except on landing page

rack-ssl-enforcer gem will help you

Rails 3.2 force_ssl except on landing page

rack-ssl-enforcer gem will help you

Force SSL for specific routes in Rails 3.1

I asked a similar question on stackoverflow here and was told to use I haven't tried it out yet, but based on the readme, it appears to solve your problem of conditionally enforcing ssl on certain routes.

Check if current controller has parent of some other controller inside the application_controller

If you use a before_filter in the ApplicationController to prevent customers from going to pages there you can use skip_filter in the base controller for the DedicatedController.

So for ours we have:

class ApplicationController
before_filter :ensure_not_a_customer
class Admin::BaseController < ApplicationController
skip_filter :ensure_not_a_customer
class Admin::WebpageController < Admin::BaseController

Then anything inherited from Admin::BaseController will skip the before_filter from the ApplicationController.

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