How Does Activerecord Define Methods Compared to Attr_Accessor

How does ActiveRecord define methods compared to attr_accessor?

When you use attr_accessor in your class that does not inherit from another class, there is, by definition, no method by the same name in a "parent" class. Therefore, super has nowhere to go to find a same-named method. (Well, your class inherits from Object, but Object does not define a method named some_attribute.)

On the other hand, ActiveRecord does define a getter and a setter for your attributes. Therefore, when you define them again in your class (that inherits from ActiveRecord::Base), then Ruby has somewhere to go (ActiveRecord::Base) when you invoke super.

Contrasting attr_accessor and the (many) methods that ActiveRecord generates for your table columns is a bit of an apples and oranges kind of question. ActiveRecord does all sorts of things with the attributes on the underlying table, including--but not limited to--creating getters and setters for the table columns.

(Note on the above: ActiveRecord works mostly by harnessing the power of method_missing, so many or most of the methods defined on your table attributes are actually implemented through the method_missing method. super does in fact invoke method_missing, if it exists, in parent classes, so that is how you can successfully invoke super on some_attribute when you inherit from ActiveRecord::Base.)

Difference between attr_accessor and attr_accessible

attr_accessor is a Ruby method that makes a getter and a setter. attr_accessible is a Rails method that allows you to pass in values to a mass assignment: new(attrs) or update_attributes(attrs).

Here's a mass assignment:{ :type => 'Corn', :quantity => 6 })

You can imagine that the order might also have a discount code, say :price_off. If you don't tag :price_off as attr_accessible you stop malicious code from being able to do like so:{ :type => 'Corn', :quantity => 6, :price_off => 30 })

Even if your form doesn't have a field for :price_off, if it's in your model it's available by default. This means a crafted POST could still set it. Using attr_accessible white lists those things that can be mass assigned.

Why is attr_accessor making my methods private?

As described in the examples from the documentation, is passed a block, so I would do as below:

klass = do
attr_accessor :name

instance = = "Foo" #=> "Foo"

Rails - attr_accessor :- read the attribute value instead of the function overriding it

attr_accessor defines a instance variable and a method to access it (read/write).

So the easy way is to write:

def open_ledger_account
create_ledger_account!(opening_balance: @opening_balance)

The read_attribute would only work if opening_balance was an attribute in the database on Customer.

What happens when attr_accessor is within a class method?

When in a class method, self is the class itself. Therefore, the following are equivalent in what they ultimately do:

class Test
# `self` in this context is Test.
# This sends the message `:attr_accessor, :john` to `Test`
attr_accessor :john

class Test
# `self` in this context is Test.
# This sends the message `:attr_accessor, :john` to `Test`
attr_accessor :john

However, as you noted, Test::abc isn't executed when the class is parsed, so attr_accessor isn't called, and the instance methods aren't added. It is perfectly valid to do this at runtime, and in fact, is the basis of much of the metaprogramming performed in Rails.

Typically, if you expect to add accessors via a class method, you might call that class method after definition but still during class declaration:

class Test
attr_accessor :john


This will actually run, and properly declare the accessors on the class!

As to your question:

How come a running of a class method dynamically add methods to already created objects?

This is because instantiating a class doesn't instantiate a "snapshot" of the class at the time of instantiation - it creates an object which delegates much of its functionality (including discovery of the instance methods on it) to the class associated with it. Note that it is possible to define new methods on an instance which don't extend back to the class, too:

class Test
attr_accessor :foo

t1 =
t2 =

Test.send(:define_method, :bar) {}
puts t1.respond_to? :foo # => true
puts t2.respond_to? :foo # => true

puts t1.respond_to? :bar # => true
puts t2.respond_to? :bar # => true

t1.define_singleton_method(:baz) {}

puts t1.respond_to? :baz # => true
puts t2.respond_to? :baz # => false

Understanding Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord model Accessors

Because Rails' ORM uses the ActiveRecord pattern, two methods are created automatically for each column in the database associated with that table: columnname, and columnname=. This happens "automatically" as a result of your model inheriting from ActiveRecord::Base. These methods are defined using ruby's metaprogramming facilities and are created dynamically at the time of class creation.

For more info as to exactly what's going on, I would take a look at the Rails source. However, the above is probably enough to give you a working understanding of what is happening.

What is attr_accessor in Ruby?

Let's say you have a class Person.

class Person

person = # => no method error

Obviously we never defined method name. Let's do that.

class Person
def name
@name # simply returning an instance variable @name

person = # => nil = "Dennis" # => no method error

Aha, we can read the name, but that doesn't mean we can assign the name. Those are two different methods. The former is called reader and latter is called writer. We didn't create the writer yet so let's do that.

class Person
def name

def name=(str)
@name = str

person = = 'Dennis' # => "Dennis"

Awesome. Now we can write and read instance variable @name using reader and writer methods. Except, this is done so frequently, why waste time writing these methods every time? We can do it easier.

class Person
attr_reader :name
attr_writer :name

Even this can get repetitive. When you want both reader and writer just use accessor!

class Person
attr_accessor :name

person = = "Dennis" # => "Dennis"

Works the same way! And guess what: the instance variable @name in our person object will be set just like when we did it manually, so you can use it in other methods.

class Person
attr_accessor :name

def greeting
"Hello #{@name}"

person = = "Dennis"
person.greeting # => "Hello Dennis"

That's it. In order to understand how attr_reader, attr_writer, and attr_accessor methods actually generate methods for you, read other answers, books, ruby docs.

How to iterate ActiveRecord Attributes, including attr_accessor methods

You can't really solve this. You can approximate a hack, but it's not something that will ever work nicely.

model.attribute_names should get you all the ActiveRecord ones, but the attr_accessor fields are not fields. They are just ordinary ruby methods, and the only way to get them is with model.instance_methods.

Idea 1

You could do model.attribute_names + model.instance_methods, but then you'd have to filter out all your other normal ruby methods initialize, save, etc which would be impractical.

To help filter the instance_methods you could match them up against model.instance_variables (you'd have to account for the @ sign in the instance variables manually), but the problem with this is that instance variables don't actually exist at all until they are first assigned.

Idea 2

In your environment.rb, before anything else ever gets loaded, define your own self.attr_accessor in ActiveRecord::Base. This could then wrap the underlying attr_accessor but also save the attribute names to a private list. Then you'd be able to pull out of this list later on. However I'd advise against this... monkey-patching core language facilities like attr_accessor is guaranteed to bring you a lot of pain.

Idea 3

Define your own custom_attr_accessor in ActiveRecord::Base, which does the same thing as Idea 2, and use it in your code where you want to be able to retrieve the attribute names. This would be safe as you won't be clobbering the built-in attr_accessor method any more, but you'll have to change all your code to use custom_attr_accessor where neccessary

I guess in summary, what are you trying to do that needs to know about all the attr_accessor fields? Try look at your problem from a different angle if you can.

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