How to Mark a Cucumber Scenario as Pending

How do you mark a Cucumber Scenario as Pending

Okay figured this one out.

The Scenarios steps are marked as pending if it's not found in any of the steps files.

Scenario: New product form should have some special field
Given joe is logged in as an user
When on the new exercise page
Then the select field should have some special field

It's even nice enough to stub out the pending step.

When /^on the new exercise page$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had

How can I mark a test story as PENDING in JAVA

You can throw the cucumber.api.PendingException from the matching stepdefinition method. This will show up the scenario as pending. For getting these pending stepdefinition easily use dryRun=true in the cucumberoptions of the runner.

For the below feature file.

  Scenario: Run Pending scenario
Given step one
When step two
Then step three

Scenario: Run Defined scenario
Given step one defined
When step two defined
Then step three defined

Sample stepdefinition

@Given("^step one$")
public void stepOne() {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
throw new PendingException();

The result will show up as below. The 'steps' section will show only the first step as pending and the remaining as skipped. Though the 'scenario' section gives the pending scenario status as a whole.

2 Scenarios (1 pending, 1 passed)
6 Steps (2 skipped, 1 pending, 3 passed)

What does 'ignore reason: pending' in cucumber tests means?

I believe scenarios are marked as pending when Cucumber cannot find the underlying definition for one or more steps. In this case, it probably cannot find the step definition for "Then field with default name is visible" so check if you have implemented this definition.

Determine if a cucumber scenario has pending steps

You can use status method. The default value of status is :skipped, the failed one is :failed and the passed step is :passed. So you can write something like this:

do sth if step.status != :passed

Also, if you use !step.passed? it does the same thing because it only checks for the :passed status.


On that subject, you can also take a look at this post about demoing your feature specs to your customers:

Cucumber - How to mark expected fails as known issues?

I would consider throwing a pending exception in the step that causes the known failure. This would allow the step to be executed and not be forgotten.

I would also consider rewriting the failing steps in such a way that when the failure occurs, it is caught and a pending exception is thrown instead of the actual failure. This would mean that when the issue is fixed and the reason for throwing the pending exception is gone, you have a passing suite.

Another thing I would work hard for is not to allow a problem to be old. Problems are like kids, when they grow up the they get harder and harder to fix. Fixing a problem while it is young, perhaps a few minutes, is usually easy. Fixing problems that are months old are harder.

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