Determining Which Rubygem You'Re Using

Determining which rubygem you're using

First of all, rubygems will load the highest version number gem, not the most recently installed. So you should be getting roo 1.3.6 here.

Other than that, I second gerrit's suggestion to look for a version constant. For instance, I just loaded rmagick and there is a constant Magick::Version. Another example is Open4::VERSION.

However not all gems have a version constant, so as a fallback you could do something hacky like:

>> require 'open4'
=> true

>> $:.detect {|dir| dir =~ /\/open4-([^\/]*)\//}
=> "/Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/open4-0.9.6/bin"

>> $1
=> "0.9.6"

How to tell which version of a gem a rails app is using

In Rails 3 and Rails 4, use bundle show

In Rails 2, rake gems will print out what gems, dependencies, and versions are installed, frozen, etc.

How to determine which gems ship bundled with versions of Ruby

Which gems, and their specific versions, ship bundled with various versions of Ruby on Linux?

This actually does not depend so much on the Ruby version but on the Ruby implementation. For example, in Rubinius, the compiler, the parser, the Abstract Syntax Tree, the Instruction Set, and the standard library are all separate gems.

Whereas in YARV, the parser and the compiler are just parts of the monolithic VM, and the standard library is just part of the source tree.

How can I this information without having to install each version of Ruby and running gem list? Are there manifest files for this online anywhere?

Again, this depends heavily on the implementation.

For TruffleRuby, you can find the list of bundled gems and default gems in the file versions.json, which currently looks like this:

"ruby": {
"version": "2.6.5",
"revision": 67812

"gems": {
"default": {
"bundler": "1.17.2",
"gem": "3.0.3",
"irb": "1.0.0",
"rake": "12.3.2",
"rdoc": "6.1.2"

"bundled": {
"did_you_mean": "1.3.0",
"minitest": "5.11.3",
"net-telnet": "0.2.0",
"power_assert": "1.1.3",
"rake": "12.3.2",
"test-unit": "3.2.9",
"xmlrpc": "0.3.0"

For YARV, you can find the list of bundled gems in the file gems/bundled_gems in the YARV source code, which currently looks like this:

minitest 5.14.0
power_assert 1.2.0
rake 13.0.1
test-unit 3.3.5
rexml 3.2.4
rss 0.2.9

I am not very familiar with the Rubinius build system, so I was not able to find a simple single location for the list of gems. I found a couple, but I don't think the list is exhaustive:

gems_list.txt in the main Rubinius repository:


The Rubinius Code repository contains tools to compile and run code on the Rubinius platform, which are used in the Rubinius Ruby implementation. The repository contains the following gems:

  • rubinius-ast.gemspec: rubinius-ast – An Abstract Syntax Tree for the Rubinius language platform.
  • rubinius-compiler.gemspec: rubinius-compiler – A Bytecode compiler for the Rubinius language platform.
  • rubinius-instructions.gemspec: rubinius-instructions – Support tools for Rubinius instruction set.
  • rubinius-melbourne.gemspec: rubinius-melbourne – Ruby parser extracted from MRI.
  • rubinius-processor.gemspec: rubinius-processor – Converts Melbourne parse tree into an AST.
  • rubinius-toolset.gemspec: rubinius-toolset – A registry for Rubinius code tools.
  • rubinius-code.gemspec: rubinius-code – A suite of tools for working with code on the Rubinius language platform. (A meta-gem depending on the other 6 gems, rubinius-ast, rubinius-compiler, rubinius-instructions, rubinius-melbourne, rubinius-processor, and rubinius-toolset.)

Of course, in addition to all of this, the ruby package of any Linux distribution may, at the discretion of the maintainer of that package, depend on, or install any number of gems as well.

How to determine which ruby gem version is actually in use


bundle list | grep unicorn

and it will show the gem version number.

How to check if a gem is installed?

General solution

To get the full list of gems that are installed:

gem list

To test for a particular gem, you can use -i with a regex:

gem list -i "^gem_name$"

(Credit to Timo in the comments for this technique.)

Particular solution for OP

If you can't find data_mapper, it may be that the gem name is different from what you expect.

Also, if you're just doing which brew to find brew, you aren't finding the gem called brew, you're finding the location of the brew executable. Try gem which brew instead.


If you're looking for data_mapper by doing which data_mapper, you probably won't find it. which is a unix program for finding unix executables, and data_mapper probably doesn't have one.

Since your goal is to verify a gem is installed with the correct version, use gem list. You can limit to the specific gem by using gem list data_mapper.

To verify that it's installed and working, you'll have to try to require the gem and then use it in your code.

Determine Location Of Ruby Gems

you can try

gem which rails

to fetch location for particular gem, or

echo $GEM_HOME

to fetch home dir of your gems

programmatically determine if a certain gem is installed, then install it if not

# The version requirements are optional.
# You can also specify multiple version requirements, just append more at the end
gem_name, *gem_ver_reqs = 'json', '~> 1.8.0'
gdep =, *gem_ver_reqs)
# find latest that satisifies
found_gspec = gdep.matching_specs.max_by(&:version)
# instead of using Gem::Dependency, you can also do:
# Gem::Specification.find_all_by_name(gem_name, *gem_ver_reqs)

if found_gspec
puts "Requirement '#{gdep}' already satisfied by #{}-#{found_gspec.version}"
puts "Requirement '#{gdep}' not satisfied; installing..."
# reqs_string will be in the format: "> 1.0, < 1.2"
reqs_string = gdep.requirements_list.join(', ')
# multi-arg is safer, to avoid injection attacks
system('gem', 'install', gem_name, '-v', reqs_string)

More recent rubygems versions provide an installer API, so instead of shelling out to the gem command you could also use:

# using the same "gdep" variable as above
Gem.install gem_name, gdep.requirement

However, I'm not sure if Gem.install respects your .gemrc file.

There are a lot of useful methods for querying your installed gems (see rdocs). Some that might be helpful:

  • Gem::Specification.find_all_by_name
  • Gem::Requirement#satisfied_by?(gem_version_instance)
  • Gem::Specification#satisfies_requirement?(gem_dependency_instance)
  • Gem.loaded_specs - hash of the gems you've actually loaded via the gem method, or by require

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