Switch to Popup Windows in Cucumber, Capybara

Switch to popup windows in cucumber, capybara

I don't think there is a cucumber/capybara way to do this as such.

But you can still change the window using selenium driver commands like this:

    #Get the main window handle
main = page.driver.browser.window_handles.first
#Get the popup window handle
popup = page.driver.browser.window_handles.last

#Then switch control between the windows

Andrews answer below is the correct answer now since new DSL changes were implemented.

Switch to new window handle in Rspec

For locating windows, Watir has a title locator. You can see an example for this (and other ways for switching windows) in the watirspec:

it "finds window by :title" do
w = browser.window(title: "closeable window").use
expect(w).to be_kind_of(Window)

How interacting popup using selenium?

If your pop up is coming as new window then you can refer this link which is explaining your problem nicely: Switch to popup windows in cucumber, capybara

With Capybara, how do I switch to the new window for links with _blank targets?

Capybara >= 2.3 includes the new window management API. It can be used like:

new_window = window_opened_by { click_link 'Something' }
within_window new_window do
# code

Cucumber + Capybara tests to ensure a new window is opened

I see no assertions in your test.

My approach would be to test size of window_handles array after performing clicking action on the link, since before clicking the size should equal 1 and after the clicking window_handles should equal 2.

assert page.driver.browser.window_handles.size == 2

Imho, good enough, since if the webpage is loaded in the same tab, the size will be 1 and the test will fail.

How to handle dynamic elements with cucumber and capybara

None of the elements you are talking about have ids so a CSS find using #<id> (find('#my_button').click) isn't going to work. However to click that button you should just be able to do

click_button('Continue with Email') # case of the text matters


click_button(class: 'emailSignInButton')

This all assumes you are using a driver with Capybara that supports JS - https://github.com/teamcapybara/capybara#drivers

Here's code that shows it works if using a JS capable driver

require 'capybara/dsl'
require 'selenium-webdriver'

session = Capybara::Session.new(:selenium_chrome)
session.visit "https://www.redfin.com"

session.click_link('Sign In', href: nil)

session.click_button('Continue with Email')

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