How to Solve the 'Object Doesn't Support #Inspect' Error

How to solve the `Object doesn't support #inspect` error?

There are two constants called Article on your app. One is your active record class, top level constant. The other is the module

When you do belongs_to :article, it would seem that rails starts looking for an Article constant in the class the belongs_to is called from so it is finding the wrong one. This causes all sorts of mess, since you obviously can't use an activerecord class and a module interchangeably

Setting :class_name => '::Article' forces the top level Article class to be found instead.

Object doesn't support #inspect

Not necessarily a full answer to this question but we tried using the pry gem instead of IRB.

gem 'pry-rails'

Added this to our development group and now uses pry instead of irb. No issues.

Must be some sort of corruption on IRB. The version we were using was 1.3.5

(Object doesn't support #inspect) Stuck at the console

try this has_and_belongs_to_many :pages, :inverse_of => :editors in your AdminUser model i think that should be the problem.

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