Undefined Method 'Name' for "Actionmailer":String

Fedena undefined method `name' for actionmailer:String on ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Problem solved

removed rubygems-update 2.4.2
and installed 1.6.2

and wow.

`method_missing': undefined method `mail' for Emailer:Class (NoMethodError)

Didn't have a yahoo account to check, but this configuration has worked with my gmail account:

require 'action_mailer'

ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp
ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
:address => "smtp.gmail.com",
:port => 587,
:authentication => :plain,
:user_name => "sender@gmail.com",
:password => "<password>",
:enable_starttls_auto => true

class Emailer < ActionMailer::Base
def test_email(email_address, email_body)
mail(to: email_address, from: 'sender@gmail.com', subject: 'action mailer test', body: email_body)

Emailer.test_email('recipient@gmail.com', 'This is a test e-mail!').deliver_now

update_rubygems throws undefined method `find_by_path' for Gem::Specification:Class (NoMethodError)

Downgrading my Ruby version to 1.8.7 solved this problem.

Getting undefined method `name' for actionmailer:String when installing Webistrano

This worked for me.

rvm rubygems 1.6.2

Rails NoMethodError (undefined method `humanize' for nil:NilClass) in mail to:

Several suggestions:

  • You should use ActionMailer class methods directly instead of instantiating a new mailer with new. This is probably the source of the bug
  • Since your NewAnswerNotify is nested under Services, it would also make it less ambiguous to use the root namespace ::NewAnswerNotifyMailer (some people may disagree with me on this one, but I've had so many root namespace bugs in the past that I tend to systematically use the :: prefix now)
  • Beware of class loading that works differently for class Services::NewAnswerNotify and module Services class NewAnswerNotification (lots of existing questions on this topic)
module Services
class NewAnswerNotify
def send_notify(answer)
::NewAnswerNotifyMailer.notify(answer).deliver_now # instead of .new.notify

Also some side comments regarding the variables and the english

I would rather use

  • Services::NewAnswerNotification
  • NewAnswerNotificationMailer
  • def send_notification(answer) or def notify(answer)

And maybe one last piece of advice from experience after maintaining a code base in the long run: to be more explicit regarding who you are notifying of what def notify_question_author_of_new_answer because later you might have a notify_question_subscribers_of_new_answer or someone else who might need to be notified (it totally depends on your business model of course, feel free to ignore this remark)

undefined method `before_action' for ActionMailer

There's no callbacks for ActionMaler::Base in Rails 3

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