Tcp Socket Communication Between Processes on Heroku Worker Dyno

TCP Socket communication between processes on Heroku worker dyno

Have you tried Fifo?

Communicating between two processes on heroku (what port to use)

Processes are isolated and cannot communicate directly with each other.

There are, however, a few other ways. One is to use a backing service such as Redis, or Postgres to act as an intermediary - another is to use FIFO to communicate.

It is a good thing that your processes are isolated and share-nothing, but you do need to architecture your application slightly differently to accommodate this.

can a Heroku worker job with external socket connection run in parallel?

Yes - Heroku workers can connect to the outside world - however, there is no built in provision for handling the sort of problems that you mention - you'd need to do that bit yourself.

Just look at the workers as a variety of separate EC2 instances.

Deploy only worker dyno to heroku (for firebase-queue)

The first important part, as stated by Yoni, is to tell Heroku that you only need a background worker and not a web worker:

worker: node <path_to_your_worker>

The second important part is: Heroku will launch a web dyno by default. This causes the application to crash if your application does not bind to the port on which web traffic is received. To disable the web dyno and prevent the crash, run the following commands from the commandline in your directory:

$ heroku ps:scale web=0 worker=1
$ heroku ps:restart

This should fix the problem!

What's the difference between a Dyno, a Worker and a Process on Heroku?

A worker is just a name given to a Dyno. You usually have a web Dyno, but you can create others in your Procfile and give them arbitrary names.

Many processes can be spawned by one Dyno. For example, the Unicorn web server does this.

You might be able to use Rufus Scheduler for what you need to do, but I think it would be more sensible to use a separate worker Dyno.

How to use a worker dyno to read from a local path?

Different dynos have completely separate filesystems: you'll have to copy the file somewhere persistent, such as S3.

How to communicate Web and Worker dynos with Node.js on Heroku?

As the high-level article on background jobs and queuing suggests, your web dynos will need to communicate with your worker dynos via an intermediate mechanism (often a queue).

To accomplish what it sounds like you're hoping to do follow this general approach:

  • Web request is received by the web dyno
  • Web dyno adds a job to the queue
  • Worker dyno receives job off the queue
  • Worker dyno executes job, writing incremental progress to a shared component
  • Browser-side polling requests status of job from the web dyno
    • Web dyno queries shared component for progress of background job and sends state back to browser
  • Worker dyno completes execution of the job and marks it as complete in shared component
  • Browser-side polling requests status of job from the web dyno
    • Web dyno queries shared component for progress of background job and sends completed state back to browser

As far as actual implementation goes I'm not too familiar with the best libraries in Node.js, but the components that glue this process together are available on Heroku as add-ons.

Queue: AMQP is a well-supported queue protocol and the CloudAMQP add-on can serve as the message queue between your web and worker dynos.

Shared state: You can use one of the Postgres add-ons to share the state of an job being processed or something more performant such as Memcache or Redis.

So, to summarize, you must use an intermediate add-on component to communicate between dynos on Heroku. While this approach involves a little more engineering, the result is a properly-decoupled and scalable architecture.

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