Accepts_Nested_Attributes_For Ignore Blank Values

accepts_nested_attributes_for ignore blank values

There is a built-in validation:

:reject_if => lambda { |c| c[:name].blank? },

Destroy on blank nested attribute

You have code that says the record should be ignored if the 'where' or the 'when' is blank, on the accepts_nested _attributes line, remove the reject_if and your destroy_if blank will likely be called.

Typically to destroy, you would set a _destroy attribute on the nested record, check out the docs

Also, just used cocoon for some of this today, and thought it was awesome,

Rails not save association if association values are empty

You may want to look at the reject_if: option for accepts_nested_attributes_for:

accepts_nested_attributes_for :sponsorship, reject_if: proc { |attributes| attributes['title'].blank? }

Looking up other questions on this matter seem to confirm this.


There is also reject_if: :all_blank -

accepts_nested_attributes_for :sponsorship, reject_if: :all_blank

Rails 3. Don't validate nested attributes if all left blank

I assume you have accepts_nested_attributes set up in your Student model. You need to add a :reject_if proc. It will ignore the row if the proc evaluates to true.

class Student < ActiveRecord::Base 
has_many :emergency_contacts
accepts_nested_attributes_for :emergency_contacts,
:reject_if => lambda { |a| a[:full_name].blank? }

You could modify it to something like lambda { |a| a[:name].blank? && a[:relationship].blank? }, etc. as your needs dictate.

Rails: use REJECT_IF only on CREATE action for nested attributes

You can create a method and instead of sending a proc into the reject_if option, which is the same, it is just more readable, so the code would look like:

accepts_nested_attributes_for :socials, reject_if: :social_rejectable?


def social_rejectable?(att)
att['username'].blank? && new_record?

You can just repeat the methods and then clean it up with some metaprogramming or add the new_record? method on the proc

accepts_nested_attributes_for :socials, reject_if: proc { |att| att['username'].blank? && new_record?}

has_one, reject_if, and accept_nested_attributes_for still triggers validation

Ok, it appears that my primary goof was trying to validate the presence of :password. I really wanted to validate the length of the password if it existed.

class WebServiceUser
devise :database_authenticatable

belongs_to :account

validates_uniqueness_of :username
validates_length_of :password, :minimum => 14, if: { |u| !u.password.nil? }

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