Rspec: Should Be (This or That)

Rspec: Should be (this or that)

ActiveSupport provides Object#in? method. You can combine it with RSpec and simply use the following:

flip_coin.should be_in(["heads", "tails"])

Or with new Rspec 3 syntax:

expect(flip_coin).to be_in(["heads", "tails"])

Is there a difference between 'expect' and 'should' in RSpec?

Quoting from

From the beginning RSpec::Expectations provided should and
should_not methods to define expectations on any object. In version
2.11 expect method was introduced which is now the recommended way to define expectations on an object.

The next paragraph in that document describe the difference in implementation and why expect is now the recommended approach.

At this point, pretty much anything you can do with should and should_not can be done with expect. See for details and expect usage.

As for your specific code, the reason the first example is failing is that the error is occurring before RSpec has a chance to get involved. You can still use should to check for the raising of an error, but you have to give RSpec a chance to work. The syntax is lambda {...}.should raise_error where ... is the code you're testing.

Rspec: using OR in expect .to eq statement

You can or two matchers together:

expect(@note.value).to eq(2).or eq(-2)

For more info see.

How to use `or` in RSpec equality matchers (Rails)

How about this:

expect(body['classification'].in?(['Apt', 'Hourse']).to be_truthy


expect(body['classification']).to eq('Apt').or eq('Hourse')

Or even this:

expect(body['classification']).to satify { |v|['Apt', 'Hourse']) }

Rspec; How to use should not include?

You can use include matcher (docs)

expect(object.method('param1')).not_to include(*array)

What exactly is the keyword should in RSpec Ruby

Upon loading, RSpec includes a module into the Kernel module which is included into all objects known to Ruby. Thus, it can make the should method available to all objects. As such, should is not a keyword (like if, class, or end) but an ordinary method.

Note that that mixin is only available in RSpec contexts as it is "patched in" during loading or RSpec.

Rails + Rspec: Test that service is called

You're doing it in the wrong order. You need to set the expectation first before the method is expected to be called:

expect_any_instance_of(WeeklyReportCardService).to receive(:send_weekly_report_card_for_repositioning)
put url, params: { check_in: {type_of_weighin: 'standard'}}, headers: { "HTTP_AUTHENTICATION": @token }

If you need to set the expecations afterwards you need to replace the method or object with a spy which is useful if you prefer the arrange-act-assert (or given-when-then)
pattern for structuring tests.

You should also note that the use of any instance is strongly discouraged and you can avoid it by providing a simple class method:

class WeeklyReportCardService
def self.send_weekly_report_card_for_repositioning(...)
RSpec.describe API::CheckInsController, type: :request do
it "should send if the client's location is World Wide" do
expect(WeeklyReportCardService).to receive(:send_weekly_report_card_for_repositioning)
put url, params: { check_in: {type_of_weighin: 'standard'}}, headers: { "HTTP_AUTHENTICATION": @token }

Or alternatively by stubbing the WeeklyReportCardService#new method to return a mock or spy.

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