How to Change the Locale Through Url

How to change the locale through URL?

This is how I did it in one of Rails 4 applications:

in config/routes.rb:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
scope "(:locale)", locale: /#{I18n.available_locales.join("|")}/ do
# rest of your routes here
# for example:
resources :projects

make sure in config/environments/production.rb this line is uncommented:

config.i18n.fallbacks = true

If you wish to have a default_locale setup other than :en, then in config/application.rb, uncomment this line:

config.i18n.default_locale = :de # and then :de will be used as default locale

Now, last part of your setup, add this method in ApplicationController:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
# Prevent CSRF attacks by raising an exception.
# For APIs, you may want to use :null_session instead.
protect_from_forgery with: :exception

before_action :set_locale

def set_locale
I18n.locale = params[:locale] || session[:locale] || I18n.default_locale
session[:locale] = I18n.locale

def default_url_options(options={})
logger.debug "default_url_options is passed options: #{options.inspect}\n"
{ locale: I18n.locale }

Now, your application can be accessed as: http://localhost:3000/en/projects, http://localhost:3000/fr/projects, or http://localhost:3000/projects. The last one http://localhost:3000/projects will use :en as its default locale(unless you make that change in application.rb).

Change the way the locale is displayed in url with Symfony3

To achieve that you might need decorate "completely" the HttpKernel LocaleListener to something like this:

// AppBundle\EventListener\LocaleListener

private function setLocale(Request $request)
if ($locale = $request->attributes->get('_locale')) {
if (false !== strpos($locale, '-')) {
// translate en-gb to en_GB
$localeParts = explode('-', $locale);
$locale = $localeParts[0].'_'.strtoupper($localeParts[1]);


private function setRouterContext(Request $request)
if (null !== $this->router) {
$locale = $request->getLocale();

// translate en_GB to en-gb
$locale = strtolower(strtr($locale, '_', '-'));

$this->router->getContext()->setParameter('_locale', $locale);

Note: These two methods are private, it's why we need copy+paste the complete code of the original listener to change its behavior.

More about "How to Decorate Services" here, or creates you own compiler pass to exchange the service class of the locale_listener definition.

How to force default locale in the URL when clicking a link in Next.js

To force the default language to add the locale to the URL you could pass it to the href directly, and opt-out of automatically handling the locale prefixing by setting locale to false.

<Link href={`/${router.locale === 'en' ? 'fr' : 'en'}`} locale={false}>

If you want all your Links to behave this way, and also force the default locale on the URL, the same logic would need to be applied.

Assuming you have a link to the /about page, it would look like the following.

<Link href={`/${router.locale}/about`} locale={false}>
<a>About Page</a>

If using next/router to do the routing, the same logic can also be applied.

router.push(`/${router.locale}/about`, undefined, { locale: false });

Change URL depending on browser language

You can use navigator.language like this:

var lang = navigator.language.slice(0,2);
var el = document.getElementById('subdomainURL');
var href = `${el.href}#googtrans(en|${lang})`;
el.href = href;

How to translate location URL when changing language?

I finally found an easy and clean method to change the route while also changing the language.

  const changeLanguage = (nextLanguage) => {
const routes = i18n.getResourceBundle(i18n.language, 'routes');
const currentPathname = window.location.pathname.replace(/\/+$/, '');
const currentRouteKey = Object.keys(routes).find((key) => routes[key] === currentPathname);

window.location.replace(t(`routes:${currentRouteKey}`, { lng: nextLanguage }));

I also needed to change the i18next detection options as follow:

detection: {
order: ['path', ...otherMethods]
lookupFromPathIndex: 0,
checkWhitelist: true

I can now safely call this changeLanguage wrapper anywhere and it will handle both the language change (which goes to the default in case it's not part of the url) and the route change.

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