Ruby/Pgsql Error on Rails Start:Cannot Load Such File -- Pg_Ext (Loaderror)

PG pg_ext load error in rails

Posted question on the official Gem page:

As per the suggestion, I installed the pre-version of the next release. That gave me another error which was solved using:
TZInfo::DataSourceNotFound error starting Rails v4.1.0 server on Windows

Posting the answer to help people facing similar problems in the future.

Redmine/Ruby/Rails/Postgresql - cannot load such file -- pg_ext

I solved my problem:

Had my ** file under:

Copied it to:

Cannot load pg_ext file

Reinstalling rubygems(2.0.3) and rails(4.0.0) solved the problem.

Error while configuring Ruby on Rails - pg_ext (LoadError) on Windows

Just use bundle update at ur ruby console

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