Ruby on Rails Routing Matching Username

Ruby on rails routing matching username


To do that, just override to_param in your model. For instance :


def to_param

You will soon bump into some problems :

  • conflicts with existing routes. For instance, the username should not be 'new', got it ?
  • for fetching you user in the controller, you should create a method (that's what I did, mayybe not the best solution) in your model like this self.find_for_controller(username)
  • your username shall only contains url-enabled characters (forget accents, ponctuations etc...). A solution for this is to have a second attribute names username_urlized, that of course should be unique and not conflicting with other routes

And maybe more problems :)

Also, if you want something like twitter (, do the following in routes.rb :

resources :users, :path=>'' do

Username Routing in Rails

The route would be: "get /:username", to: "users#profile"

You would change users#profile to whatever your controller action is called.

You need to make sure to put this at the end of your routes. Otherwise it will intercept all your routes.

For example, don't do the following:

get "/:username", to: "users#profile"
get "/foo", to: "pages#bar"

Because you will never be able to reach the pages#bar endpoint.

Correct routing for short url by username in Rails

The first one is correct, but isn't working because you're still attempting to do something like this inside your controller:


When you should instead be doing this:


The first one will attempt to find by the primary key of your table, where the second one will, correctly, query on the username field instead.

Routing to profile page by username

I fixed it. This is the route I used:

  get ':username' => 'profiles#show'

In the controller I used this statement:

if params.has_key?(:username)
@profile = User.find_by_username(params[:username])
elsif params.has_key?(:id)
@profile = User.find(params[:id])


else statement at the end is empty, I am gonna use that area to print out error message saying that profile cannot be found.

and most important part is that this routing should be at the end of the file.

route for username to go to a profile#show

You're passing :username in params. You need to find the Profile based on the associated User model's :username. In your action:

@profile = User.find_by_username(params[:username]).profile

Rails route to username instead of id

In your user model:

def to_param

The to_param method on ActiveRecord objects uses, by default, just the ID of the object. By putting this code in your model, you're overwriting the ActiveRecord default, so when you link to a User, it will use the username for the parameter instead of id.

replace user_id with username in show page in rails

This is commonly referred to as a vanity URL, and with a little caution you can handle this quite easily. First...

  1. Make sure this is the last thing in your routes. You don't want your usernames overriding another controller's namespace.
  2. Use a sensible exclude list to prevent users from having usernames like admin, support, official, secure, etc.

In your routes:

# the simple case
get '/:username' => 'users#show', :constrain => { :username => /[a-zA-Z-]+/ }

# ...with vanity_url_path(@user) helpers
get '/:username' => 'users#show', :as => 'vanity_url'

# or routing something more complicated with all the default resourceful routes
resources :users, :path => '/:username'

# or even just defining a bunch of routes for users with this format
controller :users, :path => '/:username' do
get '/profile', :action => :profile #=> /johnsmith/profile => UsersController#profile

In the above code, I avoided duplicating the :constrain option for each route for clarity. You will want to adjust the regular expression to match your usernames, and then make sure you do have it on whichever route you go with.

If this is going to be the default way of accessing users from within your application (ie. not just a convenient way to access the profile of a user), you will want to override the to_param method on your Users model. This allows you to use the url_for helpers like form_for @user without specifying additional arguments.

class User
def to_param

Another quick tip: if you're playing with your routes and trying to do anything more than the basics, be sure to call $ rake routes often from the command line to see what routes Rails currently recognizes. Cleaning up ones you don't need is good to do, too. ;)

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